Release  Horizon League ·

Aug. 15, 2005

Keri Gaither, Senior Associate Athletic Director at the University of Detroit (UDM) was recently selected to participate in the NCAA Leadership Institute for Ethnic Minority Females, which was developed by the Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee (MOIC). Gaither, an American Indian, was nominated by Detroit Athletic Director Brad Kinsman and became one of 25 participants chosen to be a part of the inaugural class.

The NCAA is making significant strides to expand the horizons of minorities and females with the establishment of this program. The Institute debuted in June of 2005 after the NCAA and the MOIC had much success launching the Leadership Institute for Ethnic Minority Males.

The Leadership Institute for Ethnic Minority Females includes minority female athletic administrators representing member institutions as well as conferences from Divisions I, II and III. The Institute will run for 12 months and will consist of four weekend-long intensive workshops held in Indianapolis, focusing on the areas of Leadership and Administration, Human Resource Management, Finance and Fundraising, and Public/Media Relations. The program will be capped off by a week-long session held next June. Not only does the Institute focus on skill development and career advancement but it also helps to create a network for minorities and women.

"For me, the most exhilarating part of the first session was the new relationships I established," stated Gaither, who has also served as UDM's Senior Woman Administrator since 1999. "I was excited and energized by all the amazing, intelligent, and talented women I had met, all dedicated to a career in intercollegiate athletics."

The Institute kicked off in June with a workshop which focused on the topic of Leadership and Administration. Participants examined their own leadership style and assessed what could be done to become even more effective leaders.

Gaither feels that the NCAA is certainly recognizing the need to create opportunities like these for minority males and females.

"The success of the Male Institute certainly played an important role in getting the Minority Female Institute program started. Recognizing that the pool of qualified ethnic minority males or females for positions in intercollegiate athletics is still rather small, I think that through recent programs such as this one, the NCAA has a shown a commitment to expanding the pool and preparing ethnic minority leaders for tomorrow," said Gaither. "The NCAA is making a substantial investment in the program and in us, and I am very appreciative of the opportunity."

Gaither not only would recommend the program to other administrators, but also encourages her student-athletes to get involved with the NCAA.

"During post-season evaluations, I talk to our student-athletes about their level of interest in a career in intercollegiate athletics, both in the coaching and administrative fields, says Gaither. "I let them know that the NCAA offers several programs with internships and academic scholarships available for graduate studies for student-athletes interested in athletics as their career. I also offer my continued support in helping them reach their professional goals whether it is in this field or they choose to go on to something else."

Gaither looks forward to the rest of the opportunities that the Institute offers as well as being educated in areas outside of her current position. She is confident that the NCAA is making every effort to support and involve women minorities.

"I feel that with the commitment the NCAA is making to this program, there is a support network behind the scenes that I can rely on," stated Gaither. "It is clear that the people involved with the program want to see us, and other minorities and females, succeed and will be available to assist us in reaching our professional goals."

Gaither, who is also a graduate of the University of Detroit, has spent 17 years in the Titans' athletic department. She has had several different roles including Assistant Business Manager, Ticket Manager, Director of Athletic Facilities/Events, Director of Business Operations and Assistant Athletic Director. She is an active member of the Horizon League Executive Council as well as the National Association of Collegiate Women Athletic Administrators (NACWWA) and is currently a member of the Women's Studies Program Steering Committee at the University of Detroit.

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