Release  Horizon League ·

Dec. 7, 2006

Why did you decide to attend Loyola University?

They were the only school who stayed loyal to me throughout the course of my prep year, and I also pride myself on being a very spiritual person and Loyola is a Jesuit institute close to home.


What is the best aspect of being a part of Loyola's basketball team?

It's different every year but at the same time it's so traditional.  We are rebuilding something special here and I love being a part of it.  Everybody involved in the program wants to win.


What do you do, both individually and as a team, to prepare right before a game?

There's no set preparation for every game but one thing I do for every game is take time out for prayer.


What is your most memorable moment as a Loyola Rambler?

My most memorable moment as a Rambler is yet to come, but to this point it would be scoring 39 points during the Horizon League Championships my sophomore year.


What are your future career plans?

I will pursue a professional basketball career.  If things do not work out as planned I will attend grad school in hopes of getting my masters in the field of Social Psychology.


What was it like attending the NBA's pre-draft camp?

Eye opening.  It's a business at that level and not too many people care about what happens in college but what you can do for them in the League.


Do you have any advice for young athletes?

Stay in school and get your education, work hard and stay focused.  It sounds cliché, but if you can dream it, you can achieve it.


What was your first thought when you heard that you were named the Horizon League Preseason Player of the Year?

I was not surprised because I had been named to that accolade last season and did not win it in the end, so I know if I want to get to that level I have work to do so.


What is your least favorite practice drill?

I love all the drills, haha, but anything with defense.


What is your favorite Coach Whitesell quote?

"It's a great day to be a Rambler"


Has your family and friends been able to watch you play on the Horizon League Network (HLN)?  If so, what do they think of the opportunity?

My mom works a lot so she appreciates the fact that she can catch the games on the computer now. She still shouldn't work so much.

Click here to check out Blake and other Horizon League players as we review the Top Plays of the Week


Do you have any superstitions?

So many I can not count.  Counting claps in the huddle.


If you could compete in any sport other than basketball what would it be?

Baseball-Pitcher/third base.


What's one television show you can't miss each week?

"Family Guy," I love Stewie.


What is the best/worst thing about living in Chicago?

The best thing about living in the city is the summer, and the worst is the winter although I do love the snow.


What is your favorite song?

"2 Legit 2 Quit" by MC Hammer.


Where in the world would you like to spend a week's vacation?

Anywhere in Brazil.


What is the one luxury item that you could not do without?

My bed.


If you could be on any reality TV show, what would it be and why?

"Fear Factor," because fear would not be a factor for me!


What is your favorite food?

I eat a lot of pizza.


What is your favorite academic course and why?

I like psychology courses because they help me understand others along with myself.


Who is your favorite actor/actress?

Will Smith/Jamie Foxx/ Martin Lawrence


What is the worst job you have ever had?

Detasseling corn in the summer.


If you could get front row tickets to any sporting event, now or in the past, which would it be?

Any of the Bulls Finals Championship games.


Where is your favorite place to hang out in Chicago?

"The Trap"-My room.


What is your biggest fear?

I already told you fear is not a factor!


What would people find surprising about you?

I can skateboard, and I am a very good cook.


What would you do with a million dollars?

A million dollars doesn't do much these days but I would probably sit on it for a while, invest some, buy my mom a house and go on vacation to Brazil.


What is the best advice you ever received?

Always believe, have faith, things happen for a reason and it will work out the way it's supposed to.

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