Release  Horizon League ·

May 16, 2005

What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment throughout your collegiate career on the field and in the classroom?


In both cases, it was probably getting back from my medical leave.  After having to withdraw from softball and school in the fall of 2003, it's been a long recovery, but I feel like I'll be completely cleared medically this summer.  I feel like my studies and softball are finally back to where they were before dealing with encephalitis.


Why did you decide to attend UW-Green Bay?


I made the decision to come to Green Bay to play D-1 softball while still staying instate.


Can you describe the challenges you have had to face over the past year from your case of meningitis and how that affected your studies, playing ability, and life perspective?


October 25, 2003 I had a near death experience with encephalitis (swelling of the brain), I was sent flight for life and put in ICU for a week.  The doctors didn't know what the outcome of my future would be as I was unresponsive. My parents were warned that it was unlikely that I would wake up the same as I was.  Because of my health I was unable to finish the semester of school or softball.  Looking forward to getting back into softball was a huge motivation to recover. It was a lot of work as I had lost a lot of muscle and not been active for months while waiting for an OK from the doctors.  I'm very appreciative of my teammates as were very supportive and accepted me back without a second thought.  School was a challenge to get back into because of difficulties resulting from the encephalitis. I've been told that I probably survived encephalitis so well because I am a strong athlete. The doctors now say that I am almost 100% recovered with just a little swelling left in my brain; a full recovery is expected by this summer.


Can you describe the experience of being away from home for college and attending school several hours from your hometown of East Troy?


Being away from home was a definite change for me as I am an only child and very close with my family.  I always look forward to enjoying the summer back in East Troy. 


What is the thing you will miss most about being part of a team as a player and teammate to others?


The thing I will miss most will be my teammates; they have become my best friends and have helped me through a lot.


What do you find to be the most challenging part of softball, and how does it compare with the challenges you have had to face in the classroom as a student?


Morning workouts and morning classes are a challenge because of a busy schedule.


How has being a student athlete enhanced your college experience at UW-Green Bay?


 I believe being a student athlete has helped me to manage my time better as I need to balance school with softball.


Have any of your classes had any influence on the way you view yourself as a student-athlete?


My classes have shown me what type of education I enjoy.  First Aid and Coaching have been my favorites.


Can you describe the difficulties of maintaining a high performance level academically while striving to perform at an equal level on the field?


Traveling is probably the hardest part of keeping up with school; busy weekends are always hard to stay prepared for tests.


As an upper classman approaching graduation, can you offer any advice to your younger teammates or other athletes that may be just starting their own collegiate careers?   


Take it in day by day as life can change with a blink.  Have fun, play hard.


During your off-season, how do you like to spend the extra amount of free time that you have?


In the off-season I spend the majority of my time on the lake either out on the wave runner or wakeboarding.  I also work at a golf course serving drinks on the beverage cart. 


What are your career plans after graduation?


They continue to change.  Nothing is absolute, but I have several ideas.  Tech school for paramedic degree is an option along with UW-Whitewater for a Phys Ed major.


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