Release  Horizon League ·

Sept. 20, 2005

What is the biggest difference between your freshman season and thus far your sophomore season?

Coming into cross country my freshman year, I did not know what to expect. I was overwhelmed by the workouts, the long bus rides to meets and the amount I had to eat to stay on top of the game. This bewilderment bull-dozed me over. I couldn't keep up in practices or meets, and my season came to a disappointing end after Conference.

What do you like best about being a part of UWM's cross country and track teams?

The TEAM itself! My teammates are also my soul mates; we have so much fun together in and out of practice. No matter how bad of a day I'm having, as soon as I step foot into the locker room, its Hakuna Matata the rest of the day.

What is it that you look forward to most in the coming years at UWM?

I can't wait to get a house with the girls on the team and live our sport all together. Being around people that eat as much as I do will be great.

What do you do, both individually and as a team to prepare right before a meet?

As a team, on our last run-out, we gather in a circle, talk about the grueling race to come and what we want to accomplish, then all together we let out a fierce, womanly scream at the top of our lungs. Then individually, I say a prayer while I'm standing on the line waiting for the gun.

Has it been a benefit to both your athletic and academic career having your family relatively close by, originally being from Green Bay?

Yes, because there's a certain something about being home that makes everything right with the world. Having a home-cooked meal, being tucked in at night and having my laundry done for me puts my mind and body at ease. After spending a non-meet weekend at home, I feel stronger and ready to face the world. Unfortunately, this season, we have no races in Wisconsin.

What drew you to study architecture and what are your career plans after graduation?

I almost majored in art, but I couldn't deny my interest in math and science. Architecture, I decided, would be the best of both worlds. After I graduate with a bachelor's degree, I plan to work for a few years to gain experience in the field and then return to UWM to get a Master's Degree.

Who has had the biggest influence on your career?

Anna Christian. We are similar in so many ways, and I know she faces a lot of the same toils and troubles that I do. As a senior, she has been through so much, and her knowledge about running and life in general has been a tremendous help. I'm thinking about coining a bracelet that says, "W.W.A.C.D."

If you could change one thing about your sport, what would it be?

I know this probably will never change, but I would love Cross Country and Track to be more of a spectator sport. I wish people would realize the training that goes into running, and how hard we've worked to be where we are.

What is your best non-athletic talent?

I really like art - drawing and painting especially.

What do you like to do on a rainy day?


What TV show would you most like to appear on and why?

Full House. I would love to get taught a life lesson at the end of every show with soft music playing in the background.

What would people find surprising about you?

I was born with six fingers on my right hand.

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