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INDIANAPOLIS -- A total of 738 student-athletes from all 10 Horizon League institutions and all 19 League sports compile the 2011 Fall Academic Honor Roll.

Candidates for the Honor Roll must meet three criteria in order to qualify: 1) participation in at least one of the League’s 19 sports during the most recent (or current) season; 2) completion of three semesters (or four quarters, where applicable) as a full-time student at the same member institution; and 3) a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.20 (on a 4.00 scale).
With 99 student-athletes meeting those requirements, Butler paced the Horizon League, with Milwaukee placing the second-most with 86 student-athletes. Valparaiso placed 82, while Loyola had 75 student-athletes on the list; Youngstown State recorded 74 and Detroit 71. Cleveland State had 68 while Green Bay contributed 67 student-athletes, with UIC and Wright State rounding out the list 738, adding 61 and 55 student-athletes, respectively.
Women’s soccer continued to generate the most student-athletes on the list with 85. Track and field/cross country participants accounted for 138 student-athletes - 73 on the women’s side and 65 on the men’s. Women’s swimming and diving chipped in 72 student-athletes, edging men’s soccer who had 72. Softball (69), volleyball (53) and baseball (40) each had 40 or more honorees.

Baseball (40)
Student-Athlete Yr. GPA Major(s)
Robert Akin, BU Jr. 3.226 Accounting
Chase Bylerly, BU Jr. 3.987 Finance
Marco Caponi, BU So. 3.93 Finance
Blaine DeCamp, BU Sr. 3.487 Finance
John Dillon IV, BU Jr. 3.79 Accounting
Andrew Eckhardt, BU Jr. 3.678 Economics
Radley Haddad, BU Sr. 3.224 Finance
Michael Hernandez, BU Sr. 3.789 Finance
Michael Hoscheit, BU Sr. 3.77 Accounting
Joel Leichty, BU Jr. 3.726 Finance
Brian Padove, BU Sr. 3.687 Economics
Griffin Richeson, BU Sr. 3.987 Finance
William Schierholz, BU So. 3.287 Exploratory
Paul Hoenecke,UWM Sr. 3.355 Business
Samuel Koenig,UWM So. 3.822 Education
Nicholas Lingvay, UWM Sr. 3.664 Mechanical Engineering
Derek Peake, UWM So. 3.46 Kinesiology
Chad Pierce, UWM Sr. 3.802 Education
Michael Schneider, UWM So. 3.239 Business
Ryan Solberg, UWM So. 3.581 Kinesiology
Phillip Striggow, UWM Sr. 3.596 Information Science 
and Technology
Tell Taylor, UWM So. 3.293 Business
Joey Begel, UIC Jr. 3.27 Marketing
Alex De LaRosa, UIC Jr. 3.29 Management
Alex Grunenwald, UIC Jr. 3.64 Movement Sciences
Alex Jurich, UIC So. 3.35 Finance
Zenon Kolakowski, UIC Fr. 3.62 Education
Collin Wyer, UIC So. 3.57 Movement Sciences
Andrew Bain, VU Jr. 3.77 Civil Engineering
Tyler Deetjen, VU Sr. 3.30 Finance
Mike Jacobs, VU Jr. 3.46 Civil Engineering
Karch Kowalczyk, VU Jr. 3.27 Biology, Chemistry
Michael Morman, VU So. 3.20 Civil Engineering
Jake Hibberd, WSU Sr. 3.641 Mass Communication
Jeremy Banks, YSU Sr. 3.25 Accounting
Craig Goubeaux, YSU So. 3.86 Industrial & Systems Engi neering
Phil Lipari, YSU So. 3.94 Finance
Nic Manupelli, YSU So. 3.42 Civil Engineering
David Saluga, YSU So. 3.91 Middle Childhood Education
Robert Switka, YSU Jr. 3.68 General Studies
Men’s Basketball (25)
Student-Athlete Yr. GPA Major(s)
Ronald Nored, BU Sr. 3.647 Elementary/Middle Chilhood Education
Andrew Smith, BU Jr. 3.575 Finance
Tim Kamczyc, CSU Jr. 3.32 Business Administration
Evan Bruinsma, DET So. 3.783 Business Administration
Ray McCallum, DET So. 3.427 Communication Studies
Alec Brown, GB So. 3.295 Business Administration
Kameron Cerroni, GB So. 3.312 Candidate for Education Prgm
Clayton Heuer, GB So. 3.363 Communication
Terrence Johnson Jr., GB So. 3.44 Business Administration
Daniel Turner, GB So. 4.00 Business Administration
Ben Averkamp, LOY Jr. 3.779 Biology
John Benkoske, LOY Sr. 3.472 Finance/Operations Mgmt.
Walt Gibler, LOY Sr. 3.732 Psychology
Paris Gulley, UWM Jr. 3.273 Information Science and Technology
Tony Meier, UWM Sr. 3.646 Finance
Evan Richard, UWM So. 3.605 Business
Christian Wolf, UWM Jr. 3.394 History
Ryan Broekhoff, VU Jr. 3.30 PE Exercise Science
Kevin Van Wijk, VU Jr. 3.48 Spanish
Cole Darling, WSU So. 3.342 Finance
Julius Mays, WSU Jr. 3.380 Organizational Leadership
Matt Vest, WSU So. 3.263 Business
Blake Allen, YSU Jr. 3.59 Accounting
Kendrick Perry, YSU So. 3.34 Criminal Justice
Mike Podolsky, YSU So. 4.0 Finance
Women’s Basketball (34)
Student-Athlete Yr. GPA Major(s)
Becca Bornhorst, BU Jr. 3.647 Electronic Media
Devin Brierly, BU Sr. 3.593 Elementary/Middle Childhood Education
Elizabeth Jennings, BU Jr. 3.624 Psychology
Kaley May, BU Sr. 3.408 Middle/Secondary Education 
Amanda McDivitt, BU So. 3.615 Middle/Secondary Education (PE)
Kaila Montgomery, CSU Jr. 3.75 History/Public Relations
Haley Schmitt, CSU So. 3.57 Nursing
Megan Hatter, DET So. 3.226 Nursing
Lydia Bauer, GB Jr. 3.75 Business Administration
Katie Bushman, GB Sr. 3.292 Business Administration
Jennifer Gilbertson, GB Jr. 3.464 Education
Megan Lukan, GB Fr. 3.285 Business Administration/Political Science
Hannah Quilling, GB Sr. 3.568 Human Biology
Adrian Ritchie, GB Jr. 3.329 Business Administration
Julie Wojta, GB Sr. 3.589 Busiess Administration/Accounting
Ellen Ayoub, LOY Sr. 3.278 Finance/Marketing
Lyndsey Booker, LOY So. 3.71 Biology
Lauren Hibbard, LOY So. 3.24 Bioloy/French
Lisa Samplawski, LOY Sr. 3.337 Psychology
Ashley Imperiale, UWM Sr. 3.992 Education
Alex Klawitter, UWM Sr. 3.923 Civil Engineering
Sammy Theut, UWM Jr. 3.981 Nursing
Sami Tucker, UWM Jr. 3.854 Psychology
Shameia Green, UIC Sr. 4.0 Instructional Leadership (Gr.)
Betsy Adams, VU Sr. 3.36 Marketing
Tabitha Gerardot, VU So. 3.90 French, Spanish
Gina Lange, VU Jr. 3.74 PE Exercise Science
Laura Richards, VU Jr. 3.37 PE Exercise Science
Mylan Woods, WSU So. 3.290 Nursing
Brandi Brown, YSU Jr. 3.69 Communication Studies
Liz Hornberger, YSU So. 3.95 Criminal Justice
Heidi Schlegel, YSU So. 3.6 Middle Childhood Education
Melissa Thompson, YSU So. 3.3 Business Management
Monica Touvelle, YSU So. 3.63 Accounting
Men’s Golf (25)
Student-Athlete Yr. GPA Major(s)
Jordan Mack, BU Sr. 3.776 Finance
Colin Reenan, BU Jr. 3.706 History
Matthew Vitale, BU Jr. 3.468 Pharmacy
Alex Walker, BU Sr. 3.625 Finance
Andrew Wegeng, BU Jr. 3.395 Economics
Brendan Byrne, CSU So. 3.79 Civil Engineering
Michael Klaric, CSU Jr. 3.29 Undecided
Kyle Benford, DET So. 3.293 Business Administration
Sheldon Keyte, DET Jr. 3.465 Business Administration
Simon Reyers, DET Jr. 3.275 Business Administration 
Cameron Fuller, GB Jr. 3.466 Business Administration
David Best, LOY Jr. 3.784 Biology
Sean Hickey, LOY So. 3.643 Undeclared
Erik Hoops, LOY Sr. 3.229 Accounting/Sports Management
Charlie Schaffer, LOY Jr. 3.855 Accounting/Finance
Nick Willenborg, LOY So. 3.214 Undeclared
Austin Gaugert, VU Jr. 3.37 Marketing
Kyle Henning, VU So. 3.85 Civil Engineering
Josh Kalita, VU Jr. 3.83 Management
Thomas Wettstein, VU So. 3.75 Business
Brad Winters, VU Jr. 3.30 Finance, Accounting
Jordan Higgins, WSU Sr. 3.213 Economics
Anthony Conn, YSU Sr. 3.45 Finance
Trevor Jones, YSU So. 3.44 Pre-Pharmacy
Shayne Wilson, YSU So. 3.4 Criminal Justice
Women’s Golf (27)
Student-Athlete Yr. GPA Major(s)
Alexandra Arends, BU Jr. 3.718 Middle/Secondary Education (PE)
Clare Cornelius, BU Sr. 3.823 Middle/Secondary Education (PE)
Michele Nash, BU Sr. 3.34 Public Relations
Julia Porter, BU Jr. 3.606 Spanish
Lisa Barber, CSU Jr. 3.49 Graphic Desing/Marketing
Micaela Cronin, CSU So. 3.57 Health Sciences
Michelle Ford, CSU So. 3.95 Pre-Nursing
Madeline Kaminski, CSU So. 3.21 Pre-Med
Collette Hansen, DET Jr. 3.699 Nursing
Lindsey Lammers, DET So. 3.830 Mathematics
Christina Thorne, DET So. 3.433 Education
Susan Zouzal, DET Sr. 3.528 Digital Media Studies
Christina Deboer, GB Jr. 3.274 Human Biology
Stephanie Fifield, GB Sr. 3.500 Human Biology
Jacki Johnson, GB So. 3.431 Human Biology
Eleanor Yorobe, GB Sr. 3.697 Business Administration
Carey Farley, LOY So. 3.314 Sports Management
Ashley Garrison, LOY Sr. 3.441 Marketing
Rachel Mayer, LOY Jr. 3.21 Accounting/Finance
April Ohlendorf, LOY So. 3.819 Psychology
Michelle Kleckner, VU So. 3.94 Math, Secondary Education
Annie Nolan, VU Jr. 3.47 History, Secondary Education
Jessica O’Brien, VU Jr. 3.23 History, Secondary Education
Erika Pfaender, VU So. 3.31 Psychology
Angela Molaskey, YSU So. 3.25 Middle Childhood Education
Jessica Parham, YSU So. 3.21 Exercise Science
Sarah Scheidemantel, YSU So. 3.62 Communication Studies
Men’s Soccer (72)
Student-Athlete Yr. GPA Major(s)
John Aikenhead, BU 5th Y 3.396 Middle/Secondary Education (PE)
Jordan Burt, BU Jr. 3.804 Finance
Lucas Eichhorn, BU Sr. 3.65 Accounting
Brandon Fricke, BU So. 3.957 Economics
Adam Glanzer, BU So. 3.424 Chemistry
Andrew Holte, BU So. 3.906 Chemistry
Jared Isenthal, BU Jr. 3.859 Finance
Blake Leyden, BU Jr. 3.487 Accounting
Dustin Mares, BU Grad 3.5 History
Austin Oldham, BU So. 3.357 Finance
Tyler Pollock, BU Jr. 3.715 Math
Randall Richter, BU 5th Y 3.268 Accounting
Joel Zimmerly, BU So. 3.541 Exploratory
Aaron Adkins, CSU Jr. 3.35 Civil Engineering
Manual Conde, CSU Sr. 3.89 Mechanical Engineering
Justin Cree, CSU Jr. 3.36 Accounting/Finance
Jordan Hart, CSU So. 3.45 Civil Engineering
Justin Mancine, CSU Sr. 3.42 Middle Childhood Education
Brad Stuver, CSU Jr. 3.24 Biology
Admir Suljevic, CSU Jr. 3.38 Physical Education
Adam Bedell, DET So. 3.519 Undeclared
Jonathon Bowman, DET Sr. 3.616 Biochemistry
Mike Chiandussi, DET Sr. 3.524 Mechanical Engineering
Patrick Lepera, DET Jr. 3.490 English
Matthew Nedwicki, DET Grad 3.571 Biology
Adam Philp, DET Sr. 3.425 Business Administration
Martin Robertson, DET Jr. 3.628 Political Science
Samuel Seppo, DET Sr. 3.412 Business Administration
Anthony Shepherd, DET So. 3.733 Business Administration
Patrick Soltys, DET So. 3.676 Business 
Yaya Toure, DET Sr. 3.233 Business Administration
Kyle Blechner, GB Fr. 3.666 Undeclared
Lucas Kemmesies, GB So. 3.312 Human Biology
Samuel Krenzien, GB So. 3.487 Business Administration
Ryan Wehking, GB Jr. 3.34 Business Administration/Spanish
Sean Dotson, LOY Jr. 4.0 Accounting
Grant Hoxworth, LOY So. 3.572 Finance
Justin Koehler, LOY Sr. 3.216 Accounting
Christian Krueger, LOY Jr. 3.206 Finance
Eric Marofske, LOY Sr. 3.931 Accounting
Peter McKeown, LOY Sr. 3.748 Communications
Tanner Nebbia, LOY Sr. 3.761 Accounting
Caleb Norton, LOY Jr. 3.869 Biology
Nick Sanchez, LOY Jr. 3.891 Accounting
Thomas Sudyka, LOY Sr. 3.931 Accounting/Economics
Alex Wynne, LOY Sr. 3.705 Finance/Marketing
Jamie Bladen, UWM Jr. 3.643 Kinesiology
Robert Boyd, UWM Jr. 3.547 Mathematics
Lucas Davey, UWM So. 3.711 Education
Aaron Gibbons, UWM Grad 3.377 Business
Pedro Mejia, UWM Grad 3.254 Business
Robert Refai, UWM Grad 3.22 Information Science and Technology
Ross Van Osdol, UWM Sr. 3.55 History
Riley Weiner, UWM So. 3.509 Undecided
Brandon Wolf, UWM So. 3.436 Business
Nazar Bodnarchuk, UIC Fr. 3.3 Undeclared
Moriba Diallo, UIC Sr. 3.25 Political Science
Peter Hanula, UIC So. 3.75 Computer Science
Zach Kaleta, UIC So. 3.67 Management
Kevin Brown, VU Sr. 3.57 Communication, Public Relations
Kevin Miller, VU Sr. 3.95 Physics
Todd Vervynckt, VU So. 3.95 Mechanical Engineering
Wei Ming Wong, VU Sr. 3.80 International Business
Stipo Zeba, VU Jr. 3.35 Civil Engineering
Kyle Zobeck, VU Jr. 3.97 Mechanical Engineering
Angelo Capuano, WSU So. 3.262 Marketing
Will Gbelee, WSU So. 3.305 Accountancy
Austin List, WSU Jr. 3.276 Athletic Training
Greg Marchand, WSU So. 4.000 Material Sciences
Chris Meingast, WSU So. 3.389 Political Science
Tim Sampson, WSU Jr. 3.485 Accountancy
Drake Stewart, WSU So. 3.507 Mechanical Engineering
Women’s Soccer (85)
Student-Athlete Yr. GPA Major(s) 
Mary Allen, BU So. 3.825 Science Technology
Molly Allen, BU So. 3.809 Science Technology
Alison Backscheider, BU So. 3.223 Strategic Communication
Natalie Galovska, BU Sr. 3.631 Chemistry
Kelly Grott, BU Jr. 3.652 Chemistry
Jacqueline Hafele, BU So. 3.706 Exploratory
Nicole Hafele, BU So. 3.909 Exploratory
Rachael Melendez, BU Jr. 3.366 Accounting
Claire Milam, BU Jr. 3.737 Chemistry
Rachel Scott, BU Jr. 3.62 Pharmacy
Anna Ventimiglia, BU So. 3.697 Pre-Pharmacy
Jaime Avona, CSU Jr. 3.81 Speech & Hearing
Nikki Bevilacqua, CSU Sr. 3.43 Health Sciences
Frederike Dubeau, CSU So. 3.74 Physical Therapy
Lauren Mesaros, CSU So. 3.49 Pre-Med
Samantha Salamon, CSU Sr. 3.92 Social Work
Valerie Stahl, CSU Jr. 3.61 Physical Education
Nora Abolins, DET So. 3.430 Biochemistry
Rebekah Dornbos, DET Jr. 3.233 Education
Sarah Dzuris, DET Jr. 3.404 Psychology
Mary Leone, DET Jr. 3.231 Nursing
Janae Paveglio, DET Jr. 3.25 Nursing
Rebecca Pidgeon, DET Sr. 3.808 Nursing
Lauren Roffey, DET Sr. 3.848 Nursing
Alexandra Suschak, DET Sr. 3.4 Digital Media Studies
Alison Suschak, DET Sr. 3.366 Architecture
Corey Arno, GB Sr. 3.533 Human Biology / Spanish
Megan Braatz, GB Jr. 3.664 Business Administration
Maddie Drusch, GB Sr. 3.800 Education
Hekla Palmadottir, GB So. 3.333 Mathematics
Heather Ables, LOY So. 3.924 Biology
Tessa Daniels, LOY Jr. 3.319 Advertising/Public Relations
Taylor Giedd, LOY So. 3.397 Biology
Katie Groesch, LOY Sr. 3.961 Biology
Elyssa Kulas, LOY So. 3.781 Political Science/Psychology
Ana Claudia Michelini, LOY Jr. 3.75 Marketing
Katie Osberg, LOY Sr. 3.381 Marketing/Sports Management
Lauren Ostarello, LOY Sr. 3.955 Psychology
Kristin Papierski, LOY Jr. 3.613 Finance
Chelsie Stokes, LOY Jr. 3.473 International Business
Tricia Stonebraker, LOY So. 3.764 Psychology
Sally Tashjian, LOY Jr. 3.718 Advertising/Public Relations
Samantha Welcher, LOY Jr. 3.433 Psychology
Caitlyn Bestwina, UWM So. 3.223 Psychology
Melanie Coderre, UWM Jr. 3.857 Biology
Stephanie Condon, UWM So. 3.799 Business
Makenzie Gillaspie, UWM Sr. 3.522 Psychology
Demi Price, UWM Jr. 3.386 Business
Laurel Ragalie, UWM Sr. 3.459 Education
Helen Steinhauser, UWM Jr. 3.805 Mathematics
Keara Thompson, UWM Sr. 3.922 Pre Medicine
Samantha Vovos, UWM Sr. 3.518 Kinesiology
Mary Wandolowski, UWM Sr. 3.306 Kinesiology
Becky Clever, VU Sr. 3.73 Marketing
Lauren Gagnon, VU So. 3.63 Nursing
Brooke Henderson, VU Sr. 3.43 Civil Engineering
Rachel Hoaglin, VU Jr. 3.73 Marketing, PE Sports Management
Kristen Manski, VU So. 3.68 Exploratory
Sammy Olson, VU Sr. 3.49 Nursing
Casey Pedersen, VU Sr. 3.60 Art
Laura Romberg, VU Sr. 3.63 Sociology
Tracy Roos, VU Sr. 3.49 Civil Engineering
Amanda Ulin, VU So. 3.90 Biology
Trisha Wladecki, VU Jr. 3.77 Chemistry, Biology
Jen Agueci, WSU Sr. 3.750 Business
Bekah Bonny, WSU Sr. 3.637 Early Childhood Education
Emilie Fillion, WSU Jr. 3.823 Psychology
Jennifer Gilbert, WSU Jr. 3.449 Psychology
Cassie Gross, WSU Sr. 3.220 Early Childhood Education
Sarah Gross, WSU So. 3.937 Early Childhood Education
Jaclyn Johnson, WSU Jr. 3.692 Biological Sciences
Brooke McCurdy, WSU So. 3.734 Computer Engineering
Lauren Patterson, WSU Jr. 3.546 Chemistry
Samantha Wilson, WSU So. 3.561 Marketing
Heather Coonfare, YSU So. 4.0 Business Management
Kelsey Kempton, YSU Sr. 3.9 Exercise Science
Nicole Kline, YSU Sr. 3.66 Social Work
Allison Ludwig, YSU So. 3.73 Early Childhood Education
Rachel Milhoan, YSU So. 3.4 Business Marketing
Katie Peterlin, YSU Jr. 3.85 Accounting
Kearsten Sego, YSU So. 3.82 Exercise Science
Cori Stark, YSU So. 3.32 Nursing
Kelly Storkel, YSU Sr. 3.67 Accounting
Geneva Strelka, YSU Sr. 3.32 Criminal Justice
Alison Viola, YSU So. 4.0 Criminal Justice
Softball (69)
Student-Athlete Yr. GPA Major(s)
Rachel Brummer, BU Sr. 3.82 Journalism
Alyssa Coleman, BU Sr. 3.54 Middle/Secondary Education (PE)
Devin Dearing, BU Jr. 3.27 Health Science
Callie Dennison, BU So. 3.37 Strategic Communication
Megan Gray, BU So. 3.81 Chemistry
Krista Hakola, BU So. 3.97 Chemistry
Lauren McNulty, BU Sr. 3.79 Speech 
Kayla Seedborg, BU Sr. 3.44 Middle/Secondary Education 
Meaghan Sullivan, BU Jr. 3.63 Psychology
Mallory Winters, BU Sr. 3.77 Electronic Media
Afton Allred, CSU Jr. 3.22 Early Childhood Education
Gabby Gillilan, CSU Jr. 3.87 English Education
Brandy Holmes, CSU Sr. 3.47 Pre-Nursing
Dara Toman, CSU Jr. 3.31 Criminology
Rachel Copple, DET Sr. 3.636 Nursing
Sara Cupp, DET So. 3.911 Nursing
Hannah Klenk, DET Jr. 3.929 Nursing
Shelby Long, DET So. 3.491 Secondary Education
Julia Maksym, DET Jr. 3.85 Nursing
Katelyn Steffel, DET So. 3.422 Nursing
Renee Zaccagni, DET Sr. 3.638 Civil Engineering
Shannon Butts, GB So. 3.566 Candidate for Education Prgm
Allison Goecks, GB Jr. 3.48 Candidate for Education Prgm/Psychology
Jessica Hrncar, GB Jr. 3.77 Human Biology
Amanda Pozolinski, GB Sr. 3.798 Social Work
Miranda Reinke, GB So. 3.709 Undeclared
Cassandra Scheel, GB Jr. 3.27 Human Biology
Brooke Andresen, LOY Jr. 3.73 English/Secondary Education
Lauren Arceneaux, LOY Sr. 3.578 Biology
Olivia Bell, LOY So. 3.428 Fine Arts/Visual Communications
Emily Bentley, LOY So. 3.511 International Studies
Hannah Berris, LOY Jr. 3.475 Elementary Education
Keali Engelkens, LOY So. 3.81 Elementary Education
Brittany Gardner, LOY So. 3.49 Social Work
Seana Stillson, LOY Sr. 3.573 Elementary Education
Lauren Zaworski, LOY So. 3.975 Nursing
Jackie Fletcher, UIC So. 4.0 Movement Sciences
Natalie Hernandez, UIC So. 3.9 Movement Sciences
Kara Komp, UIC Jr. 3.72 Urban and Public Affairs
Melinda Macias, UIC Sr. 3.26 Accounting
Jennifer Marsalli, UIC So. 3.42 Undeclared
Melissa Preisch, UIC Jr. 3.71 Movement Sciences
Coryn Schmit, UIC Jr. 4.0 Movement Sciences
Hayley Bridwell, VU Jr. 3.60 Elementary Education
Tori Brown, VU Sr. 3.64 English
Angie Doerffler, VU So. 3.79 Math, Secondary Education
Jennifer Hermanson, VU Jr. 3.33 Biology
Shaleigh Jansen, VU Sr. 3.31 Political Science
Amanda Korb, VU So. 3.43 Elementary Education
Alex Lagesse, VU Sr. 3.26 PE Sports Management
Kelsey Phalen, VU Sr. 3.36 PE Exercise Science
Jordan Rutkowski, VU Sr. 3.26 Art
Michelle Baker, WSU Sr. 3.920 Middle Childhood Education
Lindsay Barrett, WSU Sr. 3.676 Psychology
Kate Kine, WSU Sr. 3.427 Middle Childhood Education
Kacie Rapshus, WSU So. 3.931 Criminal Justice
Colleen Schneider, WSU Jr. 3.952 Mechanical Engineering
Casey Crozier, YSU So. 3.59 Special Education
Courtney Ewing, YSU So. 3.49 Biology
Kelly Fox, YSU So. 3.58 Exercise Science
Sarah Gabel, YSU Jr. 3.82 Food and Nutrition
Jordan Ingalls, YSU Sr. 3.7 Physical Education
Sarah Ingalls, YSU So. 3.72 Special Education
Haley Knight, YSU So. 3.23 Pre-Nursing
Amanda Palmore, YSU Sr. 3.22 Civil & Contstruction Engi neering
Kristen Philen, YSU Sr. 3.4 Early Childhood Education
Vicky Rumph, YSU Jr. 3.85 Chemistry
Samantha Snodgrass, YSU So. 3.55 Exercise Science
Haley Thomas, YSU Sr. 3.34 Physical Education
Men’s Swimming and Diving (31)
Student-Athlete Yr. GPA Major(s)
Mason Allen, CSU So. 3.76 Biology
Brad Bielak, CSU Jr. 3.9 Advertising/Public Relations
Ryan Blankenship, CSU So. 3.71 Physical Therapy
Matt Dimasso, CSU Sr. 3.82 Political Science
Brian Ferro, CSU So. 3.41 Mechanical Engineering
Justin Kermack, CSU So. 3.71 Environmental Science
Travis Lombardozzi, CSU Sr. 3.33 Health Science
Robert Gorycki, GB Jr. 3.753 Human Biology
Brian Heiser, GB So. 4.0 Business Administration
Ian McSweeny, GB Jr. 3.38 Human Biology
Mitchell Spaeth, GB Jr. 3.532 Business Administration
Sky Boggio, UWM Sr. 3.522 Psychology
Shane Conner, UWM Sr. 3.514 Architecture
David Dvorak, UWM Sr. 3.32 Education
Evan Green, UWM Sr. 3.799 Actuarial Science
Brady Huemann, UWM Sr. 3.622 Biomedical Sciences
Chris Jenkyns, UWM So. 3.491 International Studies and Political Science
Sam Keele, UWM Sr. 3.298 Mechanical Engineering
Matthew Kluczinske, UWM Sr. 3.513 Engineering and Computer Science
Mike Schalla, UWM Sr. 3.509 Finance
Cris Smith, UWM Jr. 3.204 Global Studies
Kyle Trelka, UWM Sr. 3.571 Business
Brian Verink, UWM Jr. 3.366 Civil Engineering
Greg Wise, UWM Sr. 3.337 Biology
Gabe Cury, UIC Jr. 3.35 Economics
Woody Lord, UIC So. 3.36 Undeclared
Russell Deghi, VU Sr. 3.44 PE Exercise Science
Austin Hunter, VU Sr. 3.36 Electrical Engineering
Ian Jones, VU So. 3.53 Computer Science
Chris Downing, WSU Jr. 3.700 Psychology
Pawel Grzebala, WSU Jr. 3.641 Computer Engineering
Women’s Swimming and Diving (73)
Student-Athlete Yr. GPA Major(s)
Kathleen Brannen, BU So. 3.841 Religious Studies
Rosalie Fidanze, BU So. 3.687 Elementary/Middle Childhood Education
Lauren Lambrecht, BU So. 3.56 Accounting
Jessica Onstwedder, BU Jr. 3.452 Accounting
Kaitlin Ring, BU So. 3.371 Spanish
Carys Behn, CSU Sr. 3.75 Communication
Kathleen Chandler, CSU So. 3.53 Chemistry
Kacey Cummings, CSU Sr. 3.59 Environmental Science
Alexandra DiMasso, CSU So. 3.76 Mathematics
Gretchen Hestley, CSU Jr. 3.45 Marketing
Erin Jajtner, CSU So. 3.89 International Relations
Alexandra Johansson, CSU So. 3.55 Pre-Nursing
Christine Kopacko, CSU So. 3.21 Exercise & Fitness
Joanna Olsson, CSU Jr. 3.7 Communication
Allison Pallija, CSU Jr. 3.71 Special Education
Amanda Pallija, CSU So. 3.75 Physical Therapy
Jaime Puls, CSU Jr. 3.3 Pre-Nursing
Ashley Rossi, CSU So. 3.27 Physical Therapy
Alice Sommerville, CSU Jr. 3.47 Civil Engineering
Liz Victor, CSU Sr. 3.24 Nursing
Kelly Baron, GB Jr. 3.383 Human Development/Education
Heather Bodin, GB Jr. 3.405 Human Biology
Megan Burley, GB Jr. 3.551 Human Biology
Lauren Caruso, GB Sr. 3.859 Human Biology/Spanish
Carrie Dinelli, GB So. 3.875 Human Biology
Kendra Rottier, GB So. 3.739 Mathematics
Jessica Stolfi, GB Jr. 3.93 Biology
Taylor Trelka, GB Jr. 3.844 Education/Spanish
Parker Wolf, GB So. 3.416 Undeclared
Maggi Beck, UWM Jr. 3.466 Education
Randee Cardinal, UWM Sr. 3.369 Kinesiology
Kelsey George, UWM Sr. 3.239 Kinesiology
Aubrey Griffiths, UWM Jr. 3.482 Biochemistry
Elizabeth Gross, UWM Sr. 3.889 Athletic Training
Chloe Lewis, UWM So. 3.567 Psychology
Erika Pliner, UWM So. 3.95 Mechanical Engineering
Diandra Prutton, UWM Jr. 3.268 Psychology
Lauren Roy, UWM Sr. 3.244 Kinesiology
Sophia Schmidt, UWM So. 3.508 Biology
Sarah Wardecke, UWM Grad 3.948 Education
Hilary Woldt, UWM So. 3.4 Undecided
Becky Yokosh, UWM So. 3.468 Healthcare Administration
Lillian Cabel, UIC Sr. 3.65 Nursing
Kristi Carling, UIC So. 3.41 Undeclared
Alexandra Farrar, UIC Sr. 3.45 Marketing
Sarah Harper, UIC Sr. 3.85 English
Jamie Krause, UIC Sr. 3.42 Elementary Education
Clair Martin, UIC Sr. 3.69 Communications
Alisa Penkala, UIC So. 3.39 Architecture
Sarah Walsh, UIC Sr. 3.23 Teaching of English
Melanie Waszak, UIC So. 3.5 Undeclared
Justine Barnes, VU Jr. 3.30 Civil Engineering
Andrea Bretl, VU So. 3.93 Psychology
Katie Meunier, VU So. 3.36 Nursing
Katrina Peters, VU So. 3.46 Nursing
Sarah Robertson, VU Jr. 3.63 Biology, Chemistry
Ali Taubert, VU So. 3.44 Communication
Marta Kokot, WSU Sr. 3.483 Psychology
Taylor Merryfield, WSU Sr. 3.567 Biological Sciences
Taylor Sarsgard, WSU So. 3.933 Early Childhood Education
Melissa Woody, WSU Jr. 3.350 Biological Sciences
Rasa Zilinskaite, WSU Sr. 3.405 Organizational Communica tion
Neena Zwier, WSU Jr. 3.200 Psychology
Liseli Baich, YSU Jr. 3.43 Civil & Contstruction Engi neering
Megan Ciampa, YSU So. 3.48 Nursing
Nishani Cicilson, YSU Sr. 3.58 Exercise Science
Audria Grubbs, YSU Sr. 3.5 Electrical Engineering
Casey Hill, YSU Jr. 3.72 Exercise Science
Breanne Horrigan, YSU So. 3.49 Pre-Nursing
Laura Paz, YSU So. 3.38 Merchandising
Kari Tridel, YSU Sr. 3.33 English
Tricia Vallinger, YSU So. 3.59 Exercise Science
Katie Wolf, YSU Sr. 3.6 Industrial & Systems Engi neering
Men’s Tennis (32)
Student-Athlete Yr. GPA Major
Zachary Ervin, BU Sr. 3.424 Political Science
Stephen McLoughlin, BU Sr. 3.666 Digital Media 
Matt Ford, CSU So. 3.45 Pre-Education
Yannick Goossens, CSU Sr. 3.39 International Business
Jay Jones, CSU Jr. 3.51 Liberal Arts/Social Sciences\
Christopher Cheung, DET Jr. 3.412 Business
Steven Latosinsky, DET Jr. 3.809 Biochemistry
Pablo Nunez, DET Jr. 3.42 Business
Nicholas Tolomei, DET Sr. 3.661 Business
Craig Cox, GB Jr. 3.37 Psychology
Erik Finkenbrink, GB Jr. 3.84 Business Administration
Henning Jess, GB Sr. 3.71 Business Administration
Paul Swanson, GB Sr. 3.302 Business Administration
Bobby Brooks, UIC So. 3.34 Undeclared
Rahul Kamath, UIC Jr. 3.81 Biology
Nate Kirk, UIC Sr. 3.35 Finance
Gautham Oroskar, UIC Jr. 4 Bioengineering
Francisco Pereira, UIC Jr. 3.41 Finance
Alexander Raa, UIC So. 3.76 Undeclared
Alan Reifer, UIC So. 3.73 Finance
Scott Shepardson, UIC Sr. 3.7 Finance
Kevin DeHerrera, VU Sr. 3.82 Civil Engineering
Eric Honert, VU So. 3.87 Mechanical Engineering
Carlton Lyons, VU Sr. 3.28 Psychology
Siddarth Mehta, VU Sr. 3.41 Management
Adam Whitmer, VU Sr. 3.80 Electrical Engineering
Michael Woodson, VU Sr. 4.00 Biology, Chemistry, PE Exercise Science
Dan Hyman, WSU So. 3.692 Biological Sciences
Hayden Joblin, WSU So. 3.630 Economics
Michal Lyzwa, WSU So. 3.641 Biomedical Engineering
Evan Neuman, WSU Jr. 3.216 Marketing
Tariq Ismail, YSU Sr. 3.58 Integrated Sciences Educa tion
Felipe Rosa, YSU Jr. 3.65 Civil Engineering
Women’s Tennis (33)
Student-Athlete Yr. GPA Major
Ashley Breitenbach, BU Sr. 3.464 Integrated Communication
Brittany Farmer, BU Jr. 3.558 Middle/Secondary Education (PE)
Caroline Hedrick, BU So. 3.387 Pre-Pharmacy
Stephanie McLoughlin, BU So. 3.868 History
Katelyn Panawash, BU Sr. 3.683 Marketing
Angelina Qin, BU So. 3.829 Accounting
Gabrielle Rubenstein, BU So. 3.773 Exploratory
Laura Jean Shull, BU So. 4.0 Actuarial Science
Cam Thompson, BU Sr. 3.583 Psychology
Catrine Bjerrehus, CSU Sr. 3.75 Business Administration
Alex Power, CSU So. 3.92 Pre-Med
Kara Sherwood, CSU So. 3.45 Physics
Raina Halabi, DET So. 3.706 Pre-med
Elena Strakhova, DET So. 3.33 Business
Maria Anderson, GB Jr. 3.354 Human Biology
Rebecca Nelson, GB Jr. 3.396 Education/Spanish
Morgan Weuve, GB Sr. 3.75 Mathematics
Kelly Fritz, UWM Jr. 3.544 Kinesiology
Beth Ganser, UWM Jr. 3.902 Business
Haley Craig, UIC Jr. 3.28 Sociology
Linda Hricistova, UIC Sr. 3.85 Finance
Jana Knoppe, UIC So. 3.84 Civil Engineering
Mariya Kovaleva, UIC Sr. 3.44 Finance
Kathryn Sharples, UIC So. 3.52 Economics
Elisa Simonetti, UIC Sr. 3.52 Finance
Brittany O’Reilly, VU Jr. 3.47 Nursing
Stephanie York, VU Sr. 3.81 Accounting, Management
Kristin Zakiewicz, VU So. 3.44 Marketing, Communication, Public Relations
Chelsea Girgash, WSU So. 3.669 Early Childhood Education
Taylor Hines, WSU Jr. 3.773 Material Sciences
Masha Peresetsky, WSU Sr. 3.449 Psychology
Carolyn Jesko, YSU So. 3.68 Psychology
Maria Puppo, YSU So. 4.0 Political Science
Men’s Track and Field / Cross Country (65)
Student-Athlete Yr. GPA Major(s)
Alexander Berry, BU So. 3.382 Exploratory
Thomas Brueggemann, BU So. 3.673 Exploratory
Bradley Owen, BU Sr. 3.424 Economics
Matthew Proctor, BU Grad 3.742 English
Madison Roeder, BU Sr. 3.506 Middle/Secondary Education (PE)
Michael Wang, BU So. 3.606 International Studies
Orion Wrench, BU Sr. 3.821 Chemistry
Aviram Campbell, DET Sr. 3.291 Engineering
Anthony Donald, DET Jr. 3.437 Biochemistry
Samuel Felton, DET So. 3.316 Public Administration
Alexander Harris, DET Sr. 3.459 Biology 
Taylor Hennrick, DET Jr. 3.790 Biochemistry
Steven Ivanics, DET So. 3.204 Engineering
Vushaun Landrum, DET Sr. 3.389 Business
Vincent Lefler, DET Jr. 3.232 Biochemistry
Matthew Mahler, DET Sr. 3.203 Business
Robert Radlich, DET Sr. 3.391 Business
Christopher Smalley, DET Jr. 3.990 Engineering
Erik Westbrook, DET Sr. 3.707 Health Services Administration
Andrew Dockendorff, GB Jr. 3.257 Human Biology
Andrew Enderby, GB So. 3.285 Undeclared
William Lobner, GB Jr. 3.28 Environmental Sciences
Paul Malcore, GB Jr. 3.367 Human Development
Stephen Wagner, GB Jr. 3.235 Business Administration
Karl Weyenberg, GB Sr. 3.584 Business Administration
Bay Abbott, LOY So. 3.311 International Business
Andy Fenske, LOY So. 3.497 Political Science/Criminal Justice
Nolan Fine, LOY Sr. 3.715 Political Science/International Studies
Mike Janusek, LOY Jr. 3.63 Anthropology/Economics
Dennis Kott, LOY Sr. 3.394 Economics/Finance
Declan Murray, LOY Jr. 3.39 Psychology
Brian Peters, LOY Sr. 3.51 Economics
Khushpal Sangha, LOY So. 3.404 Accounting
Josh Stein, LOY Sr. 3.687 Biology
Ryan Van Portfliet, LOY So. 3.639 Environmental Science
Mike Wetzel, LOY Jr. 3.453 History
Jim Winings, LOY Sr. 3.824 History/Economics
Matthew Ferry, UWM So. 3.25 Undecided
Robert Glotfelty, UWM Jr. 3.551 Economics
Brian Klipstein, UWM So. 3.424 Civil Engineering
Sam Leschisin, UWM So. 3.439 Undecided
Thomas Wells, UWM Grad 3.354 Biology
Anthony Crawford, UIC Jr. 3.32 Exercise and Fitness
Brian Denk, UIC Sr. 3.55 History
Photis Karkalis, UIC So. 3.94 Undeclared
Thomas Kohs, UIC So. 3.47 Chemistry
Josh Uvodich, UIC So. 3.23 Chemistry
Matt Zaluckyj, UIC Sr. 3.5 Teaching of Math
Nathan Bluhm, VU Sr. 3.29 International Business, German
Wally Bradford, VU Jr. 3.28 Elementary Education
Mickey Delcambre, VU So. 3.79 Electrical Engineering
David Goad, VU So. 3.36 Biology
Chris Hovan, VU Jr. 3.73 PE Teacher Education, Secondary Education
Joe Johnson, VU Jr. 3.71 Accounting
Patrick Johnson, VU Sr. 3.38 PE Sports Management
Jordan Piaskowy, VU Sr. 3.76 Civil Engineering
Andrew Rixon, VU Jr. 3.60 Civil Engineering
Jason Bruns, WSU Jr. 3.826 Accountancy
Jack DeFord, WSU Jr. 3.316 Mechanical Engineering
Dan Shafer, WSU So. 4.000 Accountancy
Michael Davis, YSU Jr. 3.29 Industrial & Systems Engi neering
Derek Dowdell, YSU Jr. 3.49 Electrical Engineering
John Seaver, YSU Jr. 3.74 Integrated Social Studies Education
Martin Solomon, YSU So. 3.36 History
George Thomas, YSU So. 3.29 Business Management
Women’s Track and Field / Cross Country (70)
Student-Athlete Yr. GPA Major(s)
Shelbi Burnett, BU Jr. 3.451 Middle/Secondary Education 
Katie Clark, BU Jr. 3.69 Criminology
Alyson Fosnot, BU Jr. 3.444 Arts Administration
Lauren Haberkorn, BU Sr. 3.837 Pharmacy
Nicole Humphrey, BU Jr. 3.683 Criminology
Kaitlyn Love, BU Jr. 3.827 Elementary/Middle Childhood Education
Catherine Watkins, BU Jr. 3.651 International Studies
Allison Craine, CSU Sr. 3.58 Physical Education
Brittany Elmlinger, CSU Sr. 3.97 Health Sciences
Nikki Haywood, CSU Sr. 3.51 Health Sciences
Rachel Niemi, CSU Jr. 3.67 Nursing
Elizabeth Arroyo, DET So. 3.612 Mechanical Engineering
Mercedes Black, DET So. 3.949 Physical Sciences
Stephanie Blanchard, DET So. 3.225 Nursing
Amanda Campbell, DET Grad 3.667 Business
Stephanie Cuniberti, DET So. 3.510 Architecture
Victoria Eger, DET So. 3.892 Biochemistry
Kristie Ferrans, DET Sr. 3.921 Educations
Amanda Hollern, DET Jr. 3.654 Nursing
Susan Kalkstein, DET Sr. 3.983 English Literature
Shannon Marchant, DET Jr. 3.413 Psychology
Kirstin Mooney, DET Sr. 3.556 Criminal Justice
Katrina Oberski, DET Jr. 3.84 Nursing
Olivia Smid, DET Jr. 3.425 Nursing
Brianna Soule, DET Jr. 3.503 Criminal Justice
Kathleen Weishaar, DET Sr. 3.689 Nursing
Kayla Zauner, DET So. 3.746 Criminal Justice
Areanna Lakowske, GB Jr. 3.477 Human Development/Psychology
Colleen Baker, LOY Jr. 3.889 English/Secondary Education
Jenn Bane, LOY Sr. 3.441 Journalism
Robin Bingham, LOY Jr. 3.556 English/Secondary Education
Elizabeth Butler, LOY Sr. 3.616 Anthropology/History
Alyvia Clark, LOY So. 3.486 Undeclared
Megan Janezic, LOY So. 3.304 Biology
Natalie LeFlore, LOY Sr. 3.207 Management
Gina Valgoi, LOY Jr. 3.397 Accounting
Mary Whitmore, LOY So. 3.242 Undeclared
Courtney Fisher, UWM Sr. 3.253 Kinesiology
Casey Griebel, UWM So. 3.479 Kinesiology
Laura Hamel, UWM Sr. 3.444 Kinesiology
Erika Hanson, UWM Sr. 3.657 Journalism
Kathryn Koch, UWM So. 3.214 Undecided
Chantel McConville, UWM Jr. 3.92 Nursing
Chiamaka Okonkwo, UWM Jr. 3.409 Psychology
Laurel Raye, UWM So. 3.529 Anthropolgy
Shelby Schaal, UWM Sr. 3.605 Conservation and 
Environmental Science
Carissa Schneiter, UWM So. 3.898 Criminal Justice
Kristine Schuette, UWM Sr. 3.776 Biology
Colleen Brennan, UIC So. 3.33 Biology
Marie Carlson, UIC So. 3.73 Marketing
Alex Christus, UIC So. 3.3 Undeclared
Andrea Crump, UIC Sr. 3.45 Sociology
Mariya Denisenko, UIC So. 4 Kinesiology
Alexandra Ovington, UIC Jr. 3.66 Psychology
Aimee Schuh, UIC Sr. 3.36 Movement Sciences
Kellie Schuh, UIC Sr. 3.29 Biology
Constance Sciacero, UIC Sr. 3.39 Exercise and Fitness
Claire Johnson, VU So. 3.99 German, International Econ. and Cultural Affairs
Nicole Zehel, VU So. 3.60 Nursing
Jessica Berry, WSU So. 3.953 Accountancy
Erin Hartzell, WSU Jr. 3.558 Biological Sciences
Joanie Ma, WSU Jr. 3.468 Biological Sciences
J.Chika Morah, WSU Jr. 3.459 Biological Sciences
Haley Nemcik, WSU Jr. 3.834 Nursing
Jionna Bodrick, YSU So. 3.44 Social Work
Taylor Entzi, YSU So. 3.67 Exercise Science
Samantha Hamilton, YSU Jr. 3.78 Exercise Science
Kendall Homan, YSU So. 3.43 Exercise Science
Karlie Ligore, YSU So. 3.2 Mechanical Engineering
Anna Pompeo, YSU So. 3.86 Early Childhood Education
Melanie Prelec, YSU Sr. 3.64 General Studies
Alison Roth, YSU Jr. 3.23 Early Childhood Education
Nicole Rymer, YSU Sr. 3.48 Middle Childhood Education
Volleyball (53)
Student-Athlete Yr. GPA Major(s)
Rachel Barber, BU Sr. 3.822 Chemistry
Maggie Harbison, BU So. 3.563 Elementary Education
Chelsea Kirkpatrick, BU So. 3.261 International Management
Claire Randich, BU So. 3.359 Strategic Communication
Casey Sines, BU Sr. 3.726 Digital Media
Regina Vera, BU Jr. 3.64 International Management
Megan Barhorst, CSU Sr. 3.95 Art
Jaclyn Dabbelt, CSU Jr. 3.74 Marketing
Annie Djukic, CSU Jr. 3.66 Physical Therapy
Marie Frease, CSU Jr. 3.48 Accounting
Jordan Goad, CSU Sr. 3.9 Pre-Physician’s Assistant
Amy Grabiec, CSU Sr. 3.56 Occupational Therapy/Psychology
Brittany Holland, CSU Jr. 3.41 Speech & Hearing
Kara Koch, CSU Jr. 3.68 Accounting
Makara Scruggs, CSU So. 3.45 Health Science/Psychology
Kourtney Volkmer, CSU Sr. 3.93 Early Childhood Education
Monica Anderson, GB So. 3.857 Democracy & Justice Studies
Abigail Gitter, GB Sr. 3.479 Human Development
Carmen Leitermann, GB Jr. 3.223 Human Development
Sabrina Marunowski, GB So. 3.642 Undeclared
Kelly Mischler, GB Sr. 3.389 Business Administration/Accounting
Katelyn Mroczenski, GB So. 3.863 Human Biology
Leah VanZeeland, GB So. 3.895 Candidate for Education Prgm
Carlie Willison, GB Sr. 3.57 Business Administration/Human Development
Lyndsay Zabkowicz, GB So. 3.779 Undeclared
Kristen Haggenjos, LOY Jr. 3.204 Nursing
Cat Languido, LOY Sr. 3.354 Communications
Natalie Pounovich, LOY Sr. 3.511 Communications/English
Diana Schulte, LOY Jr. 3.548 Marketing
Cariann Soukal, LOY So. 3.342 Criminal Justice/International Studies
Anna Bartz, UWM Jr. 3.299 Finance
Melissa Jansen, UWM Sr. 3.683 Nursing
Rachel Neuberger, UWM So. 3.876 Nursing
Mary Beth O’Brien, UWM Sr. 3.358 Education
Natalie Schmitting,UWM Sr. 3.495 Business
Samantha Trawitzke, UWM Sr. 3.464 Business
Mary Kate Imrie, UIC So. 3.56 Undeclared
Jacqueline Lang, UIC So. 3.5 English
Aubrey Sniegowski, UIC So. 3.38 Industrial Design
Sarah Chrabaszcz, VU So. 3.98 Chemistry, Biology
Sarah Dooms, VU So. 3.66 Communication
Amy Groesbeck, VU Sr. 3.59 Spanish, History
Lindsey Hauch, VU Fr. 3.82 Nursing
Janelle Hobbs, VU So. 3.80 Math, Secondary Education
Jenny Pokorny, VU Sr. 3.39 Social Work
Taylor Root, VU Jr. 3.50 Elementary Education
Kenzie Egan, WSU Jr. 3.200 Rehabilitation Services
Katherine Godina, WSU Sr. 3.495 Art
Anna Norman, WSU So. 3.484 Political Science
Heidi Splinter, WSU So. 3.271 Physical Education
Jackie Carlisle, YSU So. 3.2 English
Nichele Johnson, YSU So. 3.21 Respiratory Care
Bri Kern, YSU Sr. 3.46 Biology
Honorees by School
Butler 99
Milwaukee 86
Valparaiso 82
Loyola 75
Youngstown State 74
Detroit 71
Cleveland State 68
Green Bay 67
UIC 61
Wright State 55
TOTAL  738
Honorees by Sport
Women’s Soccer 85
Women’s Swimming and Diving 73
Women’s Track & Field/Cross Country 73
Men’s Soccer 72
Softball 69
Men’s Track & Field/Cross Country 65
Volleyball 53
Baseball 40
Women’s Basketball 34
Women’s Tennis 33
Men’s Tennis 33
Men’s Swimming and Diving 31
Women’s Golf 27
Men’s Basketball 25
Men’s Golf 25

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