Release  Horizon League ·

Oct. 13, 2008

-- posted by Brandy Ingles, Assistant Director of Championships & Compliance

I wasn't sure what exactly to discuss in my premier blog, so I opted to copycat what the others have done so far: providing you with an intro to myself, while keeping the rambling to a minimum!

I am now in my second year at the Horizon League and I work primarily in compliance and championships, but I also assist with swimming & diving and tennis communications, and am the primary liaison to our men's basketball officials coordinator. There is a lot of randomness in my daily responsibilities, but I enjoy it because I would rather be busy than bored any day. It is sometimes a challenge to keep it all straight, but having 3-4 calendars AND a map of the U.S. in my office reminds me of where I am (presently: Indy) and what I am supposed to be working on (right now? this blog!).

Some of my favorite aspects of the job include working with the "kiddies" as we jokingly call the SAAC and attending our championship events on campus, since that IS where the action happens. About half of my time is spent working side by side with Stephanie Jarvis -- particularly in the compliance and swimming & tennis areas. Those of you who know her can understand why working with her is so entertaining for me--she definitely keeps me on my toes! The other significant part of my time is spent working with Alfreeda Goff, mainly in championships administration. Traveling is obviously required for that part of my gig, and I have become quite the road warrior during my year at the League...Alfreeda and I even managed to visit all 10 League institutions during the month of August, which HAS to be some kind of record!

Before I ventured to Indy, I interned at the WAC outside of Denver for a year. (insert shout out to AA here!). Before that, I was in school for seven consecutive years: 4 spent in undergrad as a psychology major, and 3 in law school -- all at the University of Nebraska. I am originally from Omaha, so yes-that makes me a proud Cornhusker devotee. Some of you may wonder what it's like to pledge eternal loyalty to a program that got rocked 52-17 on national TV two weeks ago, by Missouri AT HOME for the first time in 30 years, yada yada yada, but the truth is "once a Husker, always a Husker." You gotta support your team, even when it isn't pretty and TRUST ME after attending that debacle, I know what ugly looks like! Never fear though, fellow `skers, I am a BOliever and there is nowhere to go but UP from here!

So that is the basic 4-1-1. Other activities I enjoy include watching sports, reading, napping, kickboxing, and catching up on my favorite TV shows (The Office, Friends, Lost, to name a few). I am also a fan of my (sometimes crazy) cat Lucy, DVR (isn't it the best thing ever?) and the signoff "You know you love me, XOXO- Gossip Girl."

But my free-time activity of choice is spending time with my better half, which usually requires an adventure up I-65 behind the wheel of my slowly-dying vehicle, or in a seat on the Megabus but either way, it is always worth the trip! I am a pretty lucky lady, all things considered, and am looking forward to another exciting and successful year both in the office and on the road. Until we meet again...hope you enjoyed my blog!

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