Release  Horizon League ·

May 12, 2006

Why did you decide to attend Butler University?


Eric Breitenbach:  I instantly became attracted to Butler's balance on the importance of academics and athletics.  Butler understands that we all got into Butler's admissions due to grades but also came here in-part that we had a future playing the sport that we love.   

Andy Bartish:  I came for a visit and loved the campus and the location.  It was close to home, and I figured that I had a chance to make the tennis team.

Brandon Gill:  I technically didn't, I transferred here from FGCU (Florida Gulf Coast University), but I guess because I knew what I was getting here and I like Indianapolis, there is a nice laid back feeling to it.

Scott Newmark:  Mostly because Coach Suscha recruited me.

Chris Peric:  I liked the small campus atmosphere while still being in a big city and the strength of the academics. 

Evan West:  I decided Butler for the academics and tennis.  I had already spent some time with Coach Suscha and liked him a lot.


What is the best aspect of being a part of BU's tennis team?


EB:  I am currently in a fraternity here at Butler-the Greek System here is amazing- but I joined the house that I am involved in because of their strong brotherhood.  This is what I love about the tennis team.  Outside of my fraternity brothers, I have another family of brothers in the tennis team were we help each other with school and tennis, and keep each other accountable when trying to balance all the things that we all have on our plate.

AB:  The best part is hanging out with everyone and listening to the ridiculous things everyone says.  [There are] lots of interesting personalities on this team for sure.

BG:  The free food on our road trips, lots of Qdoba has been eaten.

SN: Going to the NCAA tournament every year.

CP:  The way the whole team interacts with each other and how everyone supports each other


What is your most memorable match and/or moment as a Butler Bulldog?


EB:  The two conference tournament final matches, both my freshman and sophomore year.  Since our goal in the beginning of the year is to win the tournament, the intensity builds and our excitement for this match ignites these matches with a feeling of pride and passion that can be felt in the air.  

AB:  Most memorable match would probably be my first conference championship match freshman year.  We were in a tight match with UW Green Bay and we lost the doubles point.  I think Brandon won in a third set to clinch it.  Playing against Illinois the year they won the national championship was pretty cool too.  It was my first NCAA match and the amount of people in the crowd was awesome. 

BG:  When my brother (Kevin) and I beat the No. 4 ranked doubles team in the country at the ITA all-American tournament. They were from Georgia who just happened to win the National Title the previous year.  I guess they knew about Butler after us.

EW:  My most memorable match was the Michigan St. match this year.  We were literally one point away from beating them.


How did it feel to win the school's fifth consecutive Horizon League Championship?


EB:  It feels great.  I really feel apart of something special and it really makes me appreciate what the upperclassmen above me have done for this team and organization.  It just makes me feel proud to be a Bulldog and give something back to this school because it has done so much for me. 

AB:  It was honestly really relieving to win the fifth one.  As a senior I really wanted four in a row like the class that graduated last year. 

BG:  We were confident and never had any intention of losing, so I think it would be that we expected to win, but we were happy of course to get it over with.

SN:  I think each year brings new meaning.  Repeating five straight times shows how committed we are to winning the title.

EW:  It is always one of the best feelings of the year to win the Horizon League tournament.


What are some of your goals heading into the NCAA tournament?


EB:  To play our best.  We get to experience the NCAA tournament, an experience many teams do not get to experience ever, year after year.  As long as we play our best and represent Butler with pride and humility as we have throughout the entire year, then that is my greatest goal.  However, it would be nice to get past the first round of the tournament. 

AB:  Um, win for once?

BG:  To just work as hard as we can and be as ready as possible to play our best.  That's all you can ever do.

SN: Ohio State is definitely going to be a tough competitor.  We played them before, but I think the most important thing is going to be the doubles point.  Scott and Ross are the best doubles team in the country, and I think that Parker and Brandon have a chance to close out their careers with a big win.

CP:  As a team our goal is to get that first tournament win that has eluded us the past 4 years.

EW:  We just want to prepare as hard as possible, play with intensity and confidence, and hope for the best.


What do you do, both individually and as a team, to prepare right before a match?


EB:  We practice as if we are playing a match, manipulating our drills to mimic real match scenarios that we may face while playing our competitors.  I make sure the night before that I eat well, and sleep well, and the morning off we all make sure that we eat an adequate breakfast.  

AB:  Before every match we get together in a huddle and the captains say something to get everyone focused and fired up.   

SN:  Practice matches are extremely important because it prepares more than a regular practice session. 

EW:  We have somewhat of a loose warm-up, then we try and focus and get our minds prepared about 10 min. before the match.


What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment throughout your collegiate career both athletically and in the classroom?


AB:  I'm really proud of the four team championships we've won and being named to the All Horizon League team.  Academically, I got accepted to dental school which was a goal of mine so I'm definitely proud of that. 

BG:  Being first team all conference every year since I have been here and having enough responsibility to get three majors and a minor completed.   

SN:  Maintaining good grades in the spring is very difficult especially when we are on the road constantly playing the bigger schools.  When we had the best men's GPA two years ago and winning conference were the biggest accomplishments in my opinion. 

CP:  Athletically my biggest accomplishment would probably be doing my part to help others on the team improve.  Academically it would be making it to the professional phase of pharmacy school. 

EW:  Individually I feel as if my biggest accomplishments have been winning my point against the big schools (Iowa, Wisconsin, Purdue, and Vanderbilt).  We have been so close as a team, but still have not gotten that big win.  In the classroom I feel as if I have worked probably harder than on the tennis court.  I have had to study a lot to get good grades.


How hard has it been to juggle your academics along with practice and games the last three years?


EB:  It has been hard, but with the assistance of Coach Suscha, the men on the team, and my fraternity brothers, I have been able to manage the two effectively. 

AB:  It's been tough to stay up on school work especially trying to get into dental school.  Luckily the last two years Evan West and I have had all our classes together so we kind of motivate each other to get school work done.   

BG:  Extremely, Extremely, Extremely hard, you have to make sacrifices but that's part of life and part of growing up and being an adult. 

SN:  Studying in the van is a not an easy task and because we are so focused on the match, it is hard to keep your mind on academics.

CP:   It has been very difficult with the amount of traveling and practice we have.  However, I think being on the team helps me stay more organized and budget my time better.

EW:  With the weekend trips juggling school and tennis can become a little overwhelming.  It always seems to work out though.


Who has had the biggest influence on your career?


EB:  For my tennis career in terms of improvement, it would be Jason Suscha.  He is a very well established coach who knows what to look for in his players, knows what expect and knows that each one of us is capable of.  Knowing all of this, Coach Suscha has been able to push me to the limit, help me improve what works for me on the court, and somehow keeps me accountable when I lose.

AB:  My parents have definitely been the biggest influence on my career.  I'm amazed they still come to my matches with all the heart attacks I've put them through over the years.  

BG:  I come from a tennis family so they all had a role in getting me where I am today. My father and grandfather taught me to play, my mom and grandmother took me to tournaments growing up and my brothers made me better.

SN:  Andy Bartish because after breaking by leg and tearing my ACL in the same year was a challenge.  He always told me that I would return to my form from my freshman year.

CP:  My parents.

EW:  My dad has definitely been the biggest influence not only on my tennis, but also for life in general.  I used to hit with him almost everyday.


What is your favorite Coach Suscha quote?


EB:  Angle of Incidence = the angle of reflection boys.  This is why the half volley is technically the easiest shot in the game.  If you just put your racquet flat behind the path of the ball, it will go over, easy as that.  Even a monkey could do this!

AB:  After my sophomore year we all started collecting Suscha quotes and I think I have like 10 pages of them now.  Probably my favorite is,


            Suscha: "What's the first rule of tennis?"

Me: "Uhh, hit the ball?"

Suscha: "No"

Me: "Coach I'm not sure you ever told us this one."

Suscha: "Then I implied it."


BG:  That stays in house. Plus, you guys wouldn't print it if I told you! 

SN:  Bartish has all the good quotes from him.

CP:  "If you can touch it you can make it."

EW:  (talking about the #1 player for Bradley) "He'll go three sets with the number two guy in the country.  He doesn't care."  What does that mean?


What do you enjoy doing most in the off-season?


EB:  The team bonding and training when we are not on the court.  We go on team dinner together and we train together pushing each other to our greatest extremes. 

AB:  In the off season life is Cincinnati Reds baseball.  Other than that I like doing nothing. 

BG:  The freedom to build your own structure to a day and do what you want, you are in complete control of what you do and how productive you can be.  I love the freedom to make my own schedule.

SN:  Playing golf.

CP:  Relaxing with my family and friends.

EW:  I love spending time with my family and high school friends in the summer.  During the fall it is nice to be able to hang out at Butler on the weekends.


For you seniors, what are you plans after graduation?


AB:  After graduating I am going to The Ohio State University for dental school.

BG:  Finish the rest of my schooling, and then maybe play some more on tour or get a job.


What are your summer plans?


AB:  This summer I'm teaching tennis lessons and being an overall bum.

BG:  Teaching tennis and playing money tournaments with my older brother.

SN:  I am going to study in Spain all summer and hopefully going to catch the World Cup.

CP:   Working in a pharmacy in California.

EW:  This summer I am going to be a counselor at a camp in Cleveland, GA.


If you could change one thing about your sport, what would that be?


AB:  I guess I wish more people liked it and followed it.  It'd be a lot more fun to have our matches broadcast on ABC in front of 50,000 fans or something.   

BG:  The size of the court, I hate moving that much. 

SN:  I think we should go back to the wood racquets.

CP:  I would change the "gentlemen's game" label and have more crowd involvement during matches.

EW:  More fans.


If you could compete in the Olympics in any sport, what would it be?


EB:  Tennis, why switch now?  

AB:  Probably javelin or something.   

BG:  Summer: Ping-Pong  Winter: Hockey

SN:  It would have to be the ski jumping competition.  Flying 150 meters through the air has to be exhilarating.

CP:  Snowboarding.

EW:  I would like to compete in curling.


What TV show would you most like to appear on and why?


EBSeinfeld, because I can practically recite every episode there is already, I would not even need a script I were to appear on the show as one of the characters. 

AB:  I'd want to be on Entourage.  It's the best show on TV.

BGThe Sopranos, but that's not TV that's HBO.

CPThe Office, because it is hilarious.  Who doesn't want their stapler put in a Jell-O mold?


What is your best non-athletic talent?


EB:  My ability to listen to others and help them with their problems. 

AB:  Juggling or doing the moonwalk. 

SN:  Lying on the couch for countless hours.

CP:   Photography and graphic design.

EW:  Eating.


What is the best/worst thing about living in Indianapolis?


EB:  The best this is that Butler is that it is in Indianapolis- which is a decent sized city- but it is secluded from the city.  The worst thing is that lack of lakes around the area.  At home I am three minutes from Lake Michigan, so I miss being near that mass of water. 

AB:  Best thing about Indy is being close to downtown in a big city.  The worst thing is there aren't any hills and there's no MLB franchise.

BG:  The best part about Indianapolis is that it's not overwhelmingly huge and the worst part about living here is we have no professional baseball or hockey team.

SN:  The best has to be the NCAA Hall of Champions.  The worst are the Pacers and Colts fans.  Coming from Chicago, I dislike both teams with a passion.

CP:  The best thing is the amount of activities you can do.  The worst thing is the road construction.

EW:  Indianapolis is a perfect size for me.  A little bit smaller than some cities.


Where in the world would you like to travel to and why?


EB:  Europe, because I am German so I would like to see the country that my forefathers had once come from. 

AB:  I'd travel to Ireland or Hungary so I could be with people as pale as I am.

BG:  Europe, because it would be a true experience to see all those different cultures.

SN:  I would really enjoy Switzerland because of the mountains and Monte Carlo because it looks like paradise.

CP:  Europe, so I can experience all different cultures and history.

EW:  I would like to travel everywhere, but in particular South America.  It would be great to do that after graduation while I am young.


If you could be any reality TV star, who would it be and why?


EB:  An American Idol singer because I would love to be able to perform vocally as they do. 

AB:  I think I'd rather hurl myself off a cliff than be on reality TV.

BG:  I don't watch reality TV, but if we are talking about TV character, Jack Bauer from 24, the dude is bad.

CP:  Anyone on the Amazing Race so I could get a chance to travel all around the world doing once in a lifetime challenges.


Who is the most impressive person you have ever met?


EB:  My father, he has run three successful businesses throughout his life, supporting a family of four without ever receiving a college education.

AB:  The most impressive person I've ever met is James Blake.  There isn't a classier guy out there.

BG:  Rod Laver.

CP:  Evan West.


What is your "breakfast of champions?"


EB:  5 eggs, corned beef hash, wheat toast with butter and jelly, bacon, a large glass of orange juice and depending on the morning a side of French toast. 

AB:  Strawberry frosted pop tarts...from the refrigerator. 

BG:  Waffle, bacon, toast.

SN:  Eggs and bacon.

CP:  Frosted Mini-Wheats.

EW:  Whatever my roommate James Low is making.


Who would you cast to play you in a movie?


EB:  Matt McConaughay, because I like his acting and he is a part of the same fraternity as I am.  Or Johnny Depp because I really enjoy is acting.

AB:  Edward Norton Jr.

BG:  No clue.

SN:  Any short lefty.

CP:  John Cho.


If you found a blank check on the side of the road signed by Donald Trump, how much would you make it out for and what would you spend it on?


EB:  300 million dollars. I would spend a large chunk of it for myself to buy a house and a few cars that I could raise my family in the future with.  Give about a quarter of it to my parents.  A forth of what was remaining to my sister. Then I'd give about 10 million of it to go to Butler University, 6 million of that to Butler tennis and 4 million to my fraternity. 

AB:  How much is he worth?  I actually probably wouldn't spend it on anything because I'm cheap.  A Huffy maybe?

BG:  A Billion....Global Poverty and Medical Research for Third World countries, I might also buy the Buffalo Bills Franchise.

SN:  I would take as much money to build a hotel and casino.

CP:  I would make it out for $1 billion and spend it on family and friends first.  Then I would spend it on the usual mansions, car, planes and other luxuries.


If you had to choose one song to be your theme song, what would it be and why?


EB:  Right Now, Van Halen because it fires me up when I here it.  Sometimes things need to be dealt with right now. 

AB:  Thriller...Michael Jackson.

SN:  "yeah" by Usher because it was our team theme song two years ago.

CP:    "What's Golden" by Jurassic 5 because I listen to it all the time.


If you could get front row tickets to any concert, now or in the past, which would it be?


EB:  Dave Matthews Band, I have never been to one of his concerts and I have heard nothing but good things.

AB:  Michael Jackson......he made Thriller.........Thriller.

BG:  Red Hot Chili Peppers.

SN:  Jimi Hendrix.

CP:  Jurassic 5.


What is your favorite professional sports team to watch? 


EB:  Team... the Chicago cubs.  Sport... tennis.

AB:  Cincinnati Reds.

BG:  The Buffalo Bills and Indiana Pacers.

SN:  The Chicago Bears.

CP:  Green Bay Packers.


What is your favorite holiday?


EB:  Christmas, because it brings my family together even closer and we exchange gifts expressing our gratitude for one another. 

AB:  Christmas.....Come on, it's not even close.

BG:  Fourth of July.

SN:  Christmas.

CP:  Christmas.


What would people find surprising about you?


EB:  I have a fake front tooth, my left leg is about 1.5 inches longer than my right, and my left foot is 1.5 sizes bigger than my right. 

AB:  I like music from Disney movies. 

BG:  I don't really like watching professional tennis all that much.

SN:  My ability to speak many languages.

CP:  That my real name is Chris Peric and not Kenny Wu.

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