Blog  Jaclyn Bevis ·

As the end of the fall seasons approach us, tournament time is finally here. Here's some of my favorite blogs from the last week or so...

  • Butler's volleyball team is hyping up for this weekend. Read about their big wins against Wright State and Valpo, and find out about their outlook for this last weekend of regular season action from Freshman Gina Vera.
  • Valpo's Jackie Kondratko admits her surprise in the November 7 blog entry as the Crusaders headed to the Women's Soccer Championship against Milwaukee. Find out where they ate and what they danced too to get them ready for tournament action.
  • You can see the other side of the Women's Soccer Championship from Milwaukee's Nicole Sperl. Her blog entry gives you a side line view of their semifinal and championship games.

With Thanksgiving approaching, I'm sure all of our Fall athletes will be sharing their favorite foods for the big day. It seems to have been one of the favorite topics when players on the road. And Thanksgiving means one more thing...as tournament wraps up, we'll have more bloggers from around the league playing Winter sports. I'm excited to see what they're eating on the road!!

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