Release  Horizon League ·

Sept. 18, 2006

Why did you decide to attend Cleveland State University?

CSU is close to home, in the city and also has a nice campus. CSU also gave me the chance to play basketball.


What is the best aspect of being a part of CSU's basketball team?

The best part is that we play/practice/lift/study all in one arena. The Wolstein Center has a nice setup.


What is your most memorable game and/or moment as a Cleveland State Viking?

I have two memorable games, one is playing the North Carolina Tar Heels, and the other is playing at Michigan State.


What are some of your goals heading into this coming season?

My main goal is to bring a Horizon League championship to CSU Men's Basketball for the first time in 21 years. 


What do you do, both individually and as a team, to prepare right before a game?

As a team we go through what the other team likes to do, what we are going to do and then we eat. I usually go home after walk-through and listen to loud music (Jadakiss) to pump me up for the game.


What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment throughout your collegiate career both athletically and in the classroom?

I haven't really accomplished anything athletically yet, except for getting better year after year. In the classroom, I've been on the Dean's List.


What is your favorite thing about being involved in both your CSU Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) and the Horizon League SAAC? 

Getting to know everyone from other teams and schools is a good thing. With CSU SAAC it's good being a part of helping CSU Student Athletes.


What has been your favorite SAAC activity?

For welcome week we put student-athletes in groups and had a scavenger hunt around the city of Cleveland, since the city is our campus. It was cool.


Being from Ontario, Canada, what is the most noticeable difference between playing basketball in the U.S. to playing internationally?

There is superior competition in the U.S., and players pay attention to the finest details. In Canada, there isn't that much competition.


Your family is very involved in the sport of basketball as, like you, both your sisters play collegiate basketball at UMASS.  Explain who has had a major influence on you and your sisters to be successful student-athletes.

Well if there is anyone that has been a major influence, it would have to be both my mother and father. My mother pushes my sisters and me in school and my father pushes us in athletics. I think it has paid off because they got three children to the university level without paying a cent.

Also being an excellent student, how hard has it been to juggle your academics along with practice and games the last four years?

It's a challenge, but time management is important.


What are your future career plans after graduation?

Play basketball overseas, do real estate and coach.


What is your favorite Coach Waters quote?

"It's a pretty Simple Process."


What do you enjoy doing most in the off-season?

Hanging out with family and going to the movies.


If you could change one thing about your sport, what would that be?

Not sure, basketball is the best sport in the world!


If you could compete in the Olympics in any sport, what would it be?

The 4x100 or high jump.


What TV show would you most like to appear on and why?

The Jamie Foxx Show because he is really funny.


What is your best non-athletic talent?

I guess I would say cooking, but I am not that good.


What is the best/worst thing about living in Cleveland?

The best thing is that I am on my own away from home so I have learned responsibility. The worst is not always having money.


Where in the world would you like to travel to and why?

Jamaica, because it is hot and that is where my family is.


If you could be any reality TV star, who would it be and why?

The Bachelor, because he gets to choose 1 out of 25 ladies; it's a pretty nice setup. 


Who are the most impressive people you have ever met?

My mother and father.


What is your "breakfast of champions?"

An egg and sausage sandwich with French toast.


Who would you cast to play you in a movie?

Morris Chestnut. He is a really good actor.


If you had to choose one song to be your theme song, what would it be and why?

I need to think about that a little more.


If you could get front row tickets to any concert, now or in the past, which would it be?

R. Kelly and Jay-Z, the best of both worlds.


What is your favorite professional sports team to watch?  Any specific team?

I still love the Minnesota Timberwolves, because of Kevin Garnett.


What is your favorite holiday?



What would people find surprising about you?

I am really, really SHY!

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