Release  Horizon League ·

Aug. 28, 2008

Q: How have your preseason workouts been so far? Which areas have you been pleased with?
A: The guys have been working really hard and have been sponges to the information we've been giving them. The morale is high and the intensity is good. Their focus and competitiveness have been real positives.

Q: Over the past two years, 17 of your team's 21 losses have been by just one goal. How close is your team to enjoying more success in the win-loss column?
A: We have been a very strong defensive team over the years, but you need to score goals to win games. With a new focus and determination on both sides of the ball, we can start to enjoy more success in the wins column.

Q: It appears you have another young team. How important will contributions be from the sophomore and junior classes?
A: Everyone is going to have to be prepared to contribute. This season, it's going to take everyone working hard and staying focused to accomplish the goals we have set forth. We win as a team and lose as a team.

Q: Talk about your newcomers. Who has stood out to this point?
A: We have a very talented group of newcomers who have really shown positive signs. They have come in fit and focused. At any given time, the door of opportunity may swing open so making sure you are ready is important.

Q: What kinds of goals have you set for this year's team (both on and off the field)?
A: A quest for excellence and giving your personal best day in and day out. One day at a time.

Q: Preview your non-conference schedule. Have you added any new matches or tournaments?
A: We have a really good schedule this year. It is well-balanced and very competitive. We play the likes of Santa Clara, Drake, Cal-Northridge, Binghamton, Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. All schools on any given year can make a run and be nationally ranked.

Q: You have been at Milwaukee for 15 years. Talk about some of your greatest memories so far.
A: Still being there and having an opportunity to work with such talented and quality people and players. The memories as a player and coach are endless. It is truly a special place.

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