Release  Horizon League ·

Feb. 12, 2007

What is the best aspect of being a part of UDM's softball team?

The best part about being on the softball team is the friendships you instantly make.  You have fifteen best friends every year that will do anything for you.  There is always someone there to pick you up and keep you going.


What is your most memorable moment as a UDM Titan?

I would have to say being able to give the ball to my parents after I set our single season homerun record last year.  I guess it felt like I was finally able to give them something back for all my years of playing they dedicated themselves to. 


You were just named to the Canadian National team, where you will participate in both the Pan American and World University games.  How do you think you will feel when you take the field to represent your country on a national stage?

I would be lying if I said I wasn't going to be emotional.  Ever player in every sport hopes that one day they will be able to play at the highest level.  Once I put on that jersey and that dream is actually real, I am expecting to be a little overwhelmed.


Also being an excellent student, how hard has it been to juggle your academics along with practices and games the last few years?

Well, I guess it helps that I am kind of a nerd at heart, school and especially learning new things is something I have always enjoyed.  I guess when you are interested and passionate about something you make time for it, but I have definitely had my fair share of late night cram sessions.   


What are your future career plans?

I am hopefully going to do graduate work, either a masters or a PhD in Criminology.  After that probably become a police officer for a while and eventually get into more investigative roles within the criminal justice system.


Why did you decide to attend the University of Detroit Mercy?

I wanted a place that was close to home because I don't think my dad could deal with only seeing a few games a year, or me being far away from home.  Other than that when I visited here I just got the feeling that it was the right place for me, I liked everything and I had no apprehensions about coming here.


As the defending Horizon League Player of the Year, what are some of your goals for this season to help you match that feat?

I am not a goal setter, I feel I get too caught up on keeping my goals that I lose focus of the big picture and that is helping our team win.  I feel if in every game I focus on doing everything I can to put our team in the best position to win, I have done my job.  Anything that comes because of that effort is a bonus.


What is your favorite Coach Wilkerson quote?

Some people say "like", some people say "um", Coach Bob says "and stuff".  


What do you enjoy doing most in the off-season?

Here is the nerd coming out in me again, but my favorite thing to do in the off-season is read.  Give me a book and my hammock in the back yard and I am set. 


Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

I am hoping to have a job, coach a high-school basketball team with my brother, play on a slow-pitch team in the summers, and maybe even still have time to do some traveling.  Mostly just doing whatever makes me happy.


If you could change one thing about your sport, what would it be?

I would try to globalize the sport.  It would be nice to see the level of interest for the sport increase

in countries other than the Americas. 


Could you describe the most embarrassing moment you have ever experienced?

Thankfully, I have avoided the embarrassing moments for the most part, but I do remember a rather embarrassing moment when I was catching.  Thinking there were three outs rolled the ball back to the pitcher and proceeded to walk/jog off the field.  Of course, those things never happen when no one is on base and the runner from third scored in the confusion.


What is the one TV show that you can?t miss every week?

Grey's Anatomy


What is your best non-athletic talent?

I guess I would have to say video games.  I am usually pretty good at them, especially guitar hero?. I pretty much dominate.


What is the best thing about living in Detroit?

You have everything you could possibly want or need in a ten-mile radius of campus, and most importantly three professional sports teams.


Where in the world would you like to travel to and why?

There isn't a place I would not want to go, I want to see everything and do everything.  However, if I had to pick a place right now it would be Italy.  There are very few places in the world with such a rich culture and history.  To be able to go and really immerse yourself in that is something I would love to do.


What is your favorite movie?

Good Will Hunting


Who is the most impressive person you have ever met?

My high school athletic advisor and teacher was very inspirational in the way I look, not only at sports, but also at life.  He spent four years teaching me how important it was not to focus on the athletes but rather on the kids who don't participate in sports.  Getting kids more active is the basis of building a healthy society and improving our future. 


What is your "breakfast of champions?"

2 eggs over easy, a slice of peameal bacon (also known as Canadian bacon, and this does not mean ham), two slices of twelve grain bread with grandmas homemade strawberry jelly, and of course a glass of milk.


Who would you cast to play you in a movie?

I would have to say Gina Davis, the catcher from "A League of Our Own".  I am basically her in almost every way.


If you had to choose one song to be your theme song, what would it be and why?

Mozart's Enigma.  It is the only song that can get me out of my usual calm state of mind.


If you could go back in time to witness any event in history, what would it be?

There are so many things in history that would be amazing to experience, but the time I would most like to go back to is ancient Greece.  More specifically, I would like to see the Coliseum and the Gladiators.


What is your favorite professional sports team to watch?  Any specific team?

I like to watch the Raptors (got to support the home team) or the Indianapolis Colts (just for the record I have liked them ever since they drafted Payton and I am not just jumping on the superbowl band wagon!)


What would people find surprising about you?

That underneath the tough exterior I am the biggest softy.


Do you have any advice for young athletes who aspire to compete at the college level?

Find something that you are passionate about, and make it a part of you.  Give it everything you have.  Being a college athlete is not for everyone.  It is a tough road that will test your limits and push you to your breaking point. However, if you are willing to put in the time and the effort, it will give you more back to you than you could ever imagine.


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