May 16, 2007
Detroit, Mich. - Keri Gaither, a veteran athletic administrator with almost two decades of experience with Detroit Titan Athletics was named today as the University's new athletic director, effective immediately.
"UDM has so many exciting plans and major events including the Final Four in our future and Keri will lead the department well," said UDM President, Rev. Gerard L. Stockhausen, S.J., Ph.D.
"Keri has played a major role in advancing the Athletics program," said Michael Joseph, vice president for university advancement and enrollment management. "We believe she will continue to benefit the University and our student-athletes successfully with new and exciting plans for the University's bright future," he said.
For the past five months, Gaither has been working as the interim athletics director for UDM's NCAA Division I program. Prior to that, she served as the senior associate athletic director and the senior woman administrator. Gaither was second in command in the department during that time, and she also managed the department's business operations and the administration of nine women's varsity sports.
Gaither has always been an advocate of helping student-athletes succeed at UDM. "Athletics have long been an important part of so many students' lives on campus, whether as athletes or spectators," Joseph said, "I know that Keri has always made sure that our students remained successful in the game and inside the classroom. Her years of working closely with Brad Kinsman will serve her well," he added. Gaither succeeds Athletic Director Emeritus Brad Kinsman who stepped down after 25 years in the position.
In addition to her other responsibilities at UDM, Gaither was instrumental in the planning and implementation of women's golf, a sport which has quickly seen much success finishing second in the 2007 Horizon League Championship. During her tenure, Gaither has held various positions within the department including assistant business manager, ticket manager, director of athletic facilities and events, director of business operations, and assistant athletics director.
"This is a tremendous honor, said Gaither. "The University has enjoyed a rich tradition of athletic and academic excellence, and I am both excited and honored to accept the position of Athletic Director. Detroit Titan Athletics has been in my blood for almost 20 years. As a student, alumnus, and employee I have experienced and loved this University and I am committed to continuing our tradition of excellence."
As a member of the Horizon League's Executive Council, Gaither is actively involved with the work of the conference, currently appointed as Second Delegate and a member of both the finance and television committees. She is also the council's liaison to the sports information directors and served on the League's transition team in preparation for the entry of Valparaiso University to the Horizon League. Gaither has held past appointments as chair of the awards committee, liaison to women's soccer and softball, a member of the Equity committee, and a member of the strategic planning finance sub-committee.
While a member of the 2006 UDM Self-Study Steering Committee for NCAA Athletic Certification, Gaither also served on the Equity and Student-Athletic Welfare Sub-Committee and was designated the campus liaison during the certification process. Shortly after the University received its full certification in April, Gaither was asked by the NCAA to serve as a Peer-Review Team Member and will begin preparation this June.
Past University appointments include chairing UDM's prioritization sub-committee and serving on various search committees. Gaither has also been a member of the 1988 & 1991 Local Organizing Committee for the NCAA Men's Basketball Midwest Regional. Today, she serves as Chair of the Detroit Local Organizing Committee (DLOC) for the 2008 NCAA Men's Basketball Midwest Regional and the 2009 NCAA Men's Basketball Final Four, to be played at Ford Field in Detroit. Gaither also participated as a member of the Tourism Action Group (TAG) Hospitality Committee, a group organized by the Detroit Metro Convention & Visitor Bureau dedicated to training the hospitality industry for Detroit-area events such as the 2005 MLB All Star Game, Super Bowl XL, as well as and other future major events.
Gaither recently completed the NCAA's inaugural Leadership Institute for Ethnic Minority Females, a leadership development program sponsored by the NCAA Office for Diversity and Inclusion and the Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee. The Leadership Institute, designed to address the critical shortage of senior- level minority administrators at NCAA member institutions and conference offices, prepares diverse leaders through a 12-month leadership training and skills development experience.
Her commitment to the professional development of women in college athletics is evident through her role as a steering committee member of the Women's Leadership Symposium for Intercollegiate Athletics. Gaither recently assisted in coordinating its national leadership conference. She is also a member of National Association of Collegiate Women Athletic Administrators (NACWAA), National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA) and Minority Opportunities Athletic Association (MOAA).
Graduating magna cum laude from the University of Detroit Mercy, Gaither holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics. During her undergraduate studies, she was a two-time recipient of the College of Liberal of Arts' Economics Student of the Year Award.
Gaither and her husband, Brad Trombley, reside in Pleasant Ridge with their two children, Elliott (16) and Kennedy (9).
What they are saying about Keri Gaither:
Jonathan B. LeCrone - Commissioner of the Horizon League:
"I am excited about Keri being named Director of Athletics and we look forward to working with her as we continue to move the HL forward. I know she will do a tremendous job."
Alfreeda Goff - Senior Associate Commissioner/Chief of Staff Horizon League:
"This is an exciting time for the University of Detroit Mercy and a historic moment for the Horizon League Out of our conference membership, she will be the second minority Athletic Director and I am always anxious and excited about women in our field and she will represent the university and the league at the highest level possible. I see with Keri's hiring energy, excitement and doors opening for new rising programs at UDM She will continue to be a leader in her now role in the governance structure of the Horizon League."
Brad Kinsman - UDM Athletic Director Emeritus:
"I am very happy for Keri. She is a very strong administrator as well as a terrific person. I am certain that Keri will do an outstanding job as the new UDM Athletic Director and wish her all the best."
Suzanne Mellon - Dean of the College of Health Professions and the McCauley School of Nursing at UDM and the Chair of the NCAA Certification Committee:
"Keri Gaither has demonstrated outstanding leadership at the University of Detroit Mercy in her role Assistant Athletic Director. In working with her during entire NCAA certification and self study process she demonstrated outstanding leadership by bringing together a diverse group of representatives from across the university and doing careful analysis during the process. She will be an outstanding representative for the University of Detroit Mercy in helping it move forward into the future."