Blog  Adam Coppinger ·

Lindsey Griffith, an outside hitter on the Cleveland State volleyball team, answered questions from HorizonLeague.com's Adam Coppinger.

Personally and as a team what's been working?

"As a team we've really been working on trusting each other and trusting ourselves. Individually, I've been working on what we call the two-second rule. If you make an error, you can think about it for two seconds and then you totally forget about it and move on to the next play."

What is it about your team that gives you good chemistry and why is chemistry so important in volleyball?

"Chemistry is really important for our team. (Coach Voss) makes sure we all get along and we're comfortable with one another. We can freely talk and be able to tell someone, 'hey pick up your game'. Chemistry for us is to be close and to be there for one another."

What was it like in Woodling last Friday against Milwaukee?

"It was a very tiring match. Both teams played incredibly. Whoever had the most energy was doing the best at the time. It almost felt like we were playing the championship yet again against Milwaukee.  We wanted to beat this team. We wanted to outdo them. They're a very good skilled team and when they get on top they come at us hard. It was a battle to see who could hit harder and who could be loudest. It was a very strenuous game."


Do you consider Milwaukee to be your biggest rival?

"I do. I've been here four years, we beat them my freshman year in the championship to win the Horizon League. And the last two years we've lost to them twice in the championship and that hits home. We always love to beat that team. They are the most skilled and the most technical team (in the League). I wouldn't say they have the biggest hardest hitters but they're smart and can come at you hard."

What is it like to finally have the chance to get on the court consistently?

"It's been exciting to have my chance to be out there and start and show my team and everyone that I can be a 'go to' and I want to be a terminator for them."

"When I came in as a freshman there were four girls ahead of me. I knew going in I would have a hard time getting a lot of playing time but I think it made me better because I learned their techniques. I learned a lot from Alexis Korovich, Liz Fazio, and Kayla Lefeld."

What younger player have you been most impressed by this season?

"I would say Jackie Dabbelt. She's really stepped up. We lost Beth Greulich last year who was a big part of this team and for Jackie to step up has been big. She's a smart player, she knows how to tip she knows how to hit spots. A lot of people feed off of her energy. She's done a lot for us and will continue to do a lot for us."

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