Release  Horizon League ·

Dec. 13, 2005

Why did you decide to attend Loyola University Chicago?

I wanted to be apart of a team that would work hard and never accept defeat.  It was helpful that Coach Burns was the kind of coach I was looking for, and I got along really well with the guys on the team.  I knew most of them before I came to the school because all of us had run against each other in high school; so, I really felt like I was at home at Loyola.


What is the best aspect of being a part of Loyola's Cross Country and Track teams? 

Our team bond is something that is very rare.  From my freshman year, one could see that all of us were friends and were able to talk about anything.  When we are getting ready to practice, we all have fun and just hang out because we have such a strong bond.  Outside of running, all of us really just spend time together.  We go to movies, watch TV or just play games and stuff like that. 


What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment throughout your collegiate career both athletically and in the classroom? 

I am just glad to be at a great university and that I have been given the gift to be able to represent the university throughout the nation.  This year was the biggest accomplishment for the team, as we made the NCAA Championship race for the first time in the school's history.  As an individual, just being able to be up and running in the biggest race in college cross country was enough for me.

What is your best non-athletic talent?

Music. I play guitar, bass and drums, and I sing.

What do you feel has been the biggest challenge you have come across thus far?

The biggest thing is still the transfer from high school running to college running.  It is a very different animal; even as a junior it is still different.  Every runner goes through different events throughout our college seasons, and it still gets to me that I am able to run at a D1 program like Loyola.

If you had to choose one song to be your theme song, what would it be?

"Fuel" by Metallica


What do you enjoy doing most in the off-season?

I really like the time to let your mind wander and hang out with people that you might not be able to during the season.  The team here is very tight and we do like hanging out, but having that time to go to a movie with a girl you like or maybe go and see your favorite band play are some of the small things that you aren't able to do in season.  I play guitar with my dad a lot and try to go to jams with him and play bluegrass at some bars.


What is your favorite thing about Chicago?

There is always something to do, and you can always find a place to have some fun.


What did you do, both individually and as a team, to prepare right before a meet?

Our team is not a really flashy team.  Before a meet, we do our warm up and get to the line and just look at each other and get ready to go to battle.  Each person has their own way of getting ready for a race.  I love music so I listen to the same 10 songs before I go to the line and start to get my spikes on.  After that I always like to say a little prayer and then go off to war.


Has it been beneficial to have your family close by, originally being from Lake Zurich, IL?

My family is a major part of my life.  My mom and dad have been through a lot with me, and I don't know what I would be able to do with out them.  Sometimes it is great to just go home and have mom cook your favorite meal, then sit back and pick a little guitar with my dad.  I think living so close to the school has really made the transition very easy.  It is also nice because I am able to run with my coach from high school, Joe, and be able to meet with him, and see my god-daughter as well!

What would people find surprising about you?

I have never broken a bone in my life.


Being also an excellent student, how hard has it been to juggle your academics along with training and meets the last three years? 

It is really hard to juggle school and running. There is never a really good way because everything changes so much.  I think that the hardest part about running and school is talking to the professors and saying that I am going to have to miss a few classes. Most of the time the professors are ok with it, but sometimes you get that one that gets a little mad.


What are your career plans after graduation?

I plan to become a history teacher and a coach at some point in my life.


Why did you choose to study history?

I have always loved history, and I felt it was a subject that I can't get enough of.  It is also very interesting to learn about what the people did so long ago and look at how society today does some of the same things.


Who has had the biggest influence on your career?

Back in high school I had a really good coach, Joe, who really made me what I am today.  He put a lot of time into training me and making me able to run as fast as I can now.  My mom and dad also have supported me through thick and thin.


What is your favorite Coach Burns quote?

It is not really a quote, but whenever he walks into the locker room, he always claps his hands.


If you could change one thing about your sport (either Cross Country or Track), what would that be?

[I'd] make it so that runners can make more money.  It is all about the $$$.


If you could compete in the Olympics in any sport, what would it be?  (Not track!)

I have always loved basketball and to this day still love that sport.  I would have to pick that.


What TV show would you most like to appear on?

The Simpsons


What is your favorite restaurant?

Roma's Beef Stand on Cicero.  Best Chicago beef in town!


Where in the world would you like to travel to and why?

I would like to go to Athens to see where track and field first started.


If you could be any reality TV star, who would it be and why?

I don't really watch reality TV, but I would love to be on Fear Factor.


Who is the most impressive person you have ever met?

My aunt, who died my sophomore year of high school.


What is your "breakfast of champions?"

Eggs with lots of cheese and some meat.


Who would you cast to play you in a movie?

Vin Diesel


If you could get front row tickets to any concert, now or in the past, which would it be? 

The Grateful Dead's last show at Soldier Field 


What is your favorite professional sports team to watch? 

If they are in Chicago, they are my favorite team. But, being on the low end, I am a White Sox fan more so than Cubs.


What is your favorite holiday? 



What is the number one thing you want for Christmas?

Money! I am a poor college student.


What do you like to do on a rainy day?

Play guitar as the storm is going on.


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