Release  Horizon League ·

April 16, 2007

How old were you when you first tried out the high jump?

I was in 6th grade when I first attempted high jumping.


You have gone undefeated in the high jump at the Horizon League Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field Championships, are you feeling any pressure to make it a clean sweep this spring in Indianapolis?

It would be a great accomplishment to sweep the Horizon League Championships because I have trained hard, on and off season.  I do not feel pressure to win the Championships, but rather feel that my coaches, teammates and friends are rooting for me to perform at the best of my ability.


What is your most memorable moment as a Loyola Rambler?

My most memorable moment as a Loyola Rambler was winning all my Horizon League High Jump championships and qualifying three times for the Regional Championship and most importantly laughing for hours with my teammates.


Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Ten years from now I see myself being happy with the accomplishments I have had and see myself working towards new goals. I envision myself practicing sports medicine and hopefully I will be blessed with a family of my own.

What is your least favorite practice drill?

My least favorite practice drill is warming up.


Do you have a nickname, and if so, could you explain how it came about?

I have friends that call me Marge. The name came about from a teacher here at Loyola who always called me Marge instead of Marcia. After correcting him about five times, I learned to accept this temporary name change. A good friend of mine heard about my new name and passed it on to the rest of Loyola.


What's one television show you can't miss each week?

Just one? I have a slight obsession with television: Law and Order: SVU, Grey's Anatomy, Brothers and Sisters, Bad Girls Club, One Tree Hill, The Hills...should I keep going?


What is your best non-athletic talent?



What is your favorite song?

"My hips don't lie" Shakira ft. Wyclef Jean (my fellow Haitian)


Where in the world would you like to spend a week's vacation?

Any place where it's not snowing in April.


What is the one luxury item that you can't do without?



Was there any particular event in track and field history that fueled your desire to excel in the sport?

There was no particular event in track and field history that fueled my desire but rather I just loved being able to compete in a sport that was entirely under my control.


Could you describe the most embarrassing moment you have ever experienced?

My most embarrassing moment is when I was walking through the halls of Dumbach (a hall here at Loyola) after going to the bathroom with toilet paper streaming out of my pants and was just about to walk in my classroom door in front of the class when a random girl saved my reputation and pulled it out. Keep in mind, in order for me to get to my seat I had to walk in front of the teacher and maneuver my way to the back of the room. It was a close call.


Who is the most impressive person you have ever met?

My parents have sacrificed so much for my sisters and I to have the opportunity to make our dreams come true. Through out all their sacrifices I have never heard them once complain but rather praise the accomplishments of my sister and I. They are and probably will be the most impressive people I have ever met.


What is your favorite movie?

White Chicks.


What is your favorite food?



If you could meet and have dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would you choose and why?

Jesus, because he is my savior.


If you could have one super power, what would it be?



Who is your favorite actor/actress?

Mariska Hargitay.


What is your dream job?

A lead role in Law and Order: SVU

If you could get front row tickets to any sporting event, now or in the past, which would it be?

The Olympics.


Do you have any advice for young athletes who aspire to compete at the college level?

My advice to young athletes would be to go for their dream and to continue working hard at their respective sports. Most importantly, I would tell them to never lose sight of why the play their sport and to always have fun doing it.


How do you prepare for a meet?

I try to get at least 7 hours of sleep in and make sure to stay relaxed during the competition by laughing with my teammates and listening to my IPOD.


Who were some of your track idols growing up?

Jackie Joyner Kersee, Flo Jo, Marion Jones, and Michael Johnson.


What accomplishment, on or off the track, are you most proud of?

I am most proud of becoming All American-All Academic for my hard work in the classroom and on the track, and also recently becoming an Aunt.


Would you say that you are more of a `glass half empty' type of person or a `glass half full' type of person?

I am more of a `glass half full' type of person.


How do you deal with pressure?

I deal with pressure by reaching out to my family and friends and finding the best way to laugh about the situation. Laughter is the best medicine.

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