Release  Horizon League ·

May 4, 2006

Why did you decide to attend Loyola University?
It is a respected university, close to home, in a great city and I get to play the sport that I love.

What is the best aspect of being a part of Loyola's softball team?
Road trips with my teammates.

What is your most memorable game and/or moment as a Rambler?
Hitting 2 homeruns against Wisconsin this year.

What are some of your goals heading into the post-season?
We want to win the Horizon League Championship and go to the NCAA tournament.

What do you do, both individually and as a team, to prepare right before a game?
We tie each other's hair bows and make sure our uniforms look good.  Coach always
says, "If you look good you play good".

What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment throughout your collegiate career both athletically and in the classroom?
My biggest accomplishment athletically has been having success at all the different positions I've had to play whether it be infield, outfield or pitching.  In the classroom I'm proud that I have been on the Dean's List every semester.

You got the chance to attend the NCAA Regional Leadership Conference this past year.  Tell us what that meant to you and what you learned from it.
It was one of the best opportunities I have been given as a student-athlete.  I learned a lot about what it means to be a captain and a leader and how do deal with adversity within my team.

Has it been beneficial to have your family close by, originally being from Palos Park, Ill?
 My parents and sister come to almost all of my games, and their support is what drives me.  It also means that I get my laundry done and groceries delivered which is extremely beneficial.

Being an excellent student, how hard has it been to juggle your academics along with practice and games the last three years?
It hasn't been that hard because it is something that I want to do and welcome the challenge.

Who has had the biggest influence on your career?
My father has always driven me to be a better, more diverse player.  He taught me to play every position and that is what has allowed me to get this far in my athletic career.

What is your favorite Coach Healy quote?
"I would let my retinas burn out of my eyes before I lost a ball in the sun."  Coach Healy has a die-hard attitude about the sport and the more it rubs off on us, the better we play.

What do you enjoy doing most in the off-season?
I enjoy shopping, working out and getting to focus on school.

If you could change one thing about your sport, what would that be?
I would change the season to the fall so we didn't have to play the majority of the schedule in freezing weather.

If you could compete in the Olympics in any sport, what would it be?
Basketball because I can ball like Magic despite what my teammates might say.

 What TV show would you most like to appear on and why?
"24" because I feel that my athletic ability and stealthiness would really add a lot to Jack Bauer's efforts to save the world, for the 5th time.


What is your best non-athletic talent?
Free-style rapping

What is the best/worst thing about living in Chicago?
The best part of living in Chicago is never being bored; we always have something fun to do.  The worst part is the crazy weather although I don't even mind it that much.

Where in the world would you like to travel to and why?
I would like to travel to Fiji because the beaches look amazing.

If you could be any reality TV star, who would it be and why?
I would be Jack Bauer.  It's not technically a reality TV show, but it's in real time so I think that's close enough.

Who is the most impressive person you have ever met?
Yvette Healy

What is your "breakfast of champions?"
A bagel and coffee from Nina's Place- the cafe at the Water Tower Campus.  Tara Miller and I get it everyday.

Who would you cast to play you in a movie?

If you had to choose one song to be your theme song, what would it be and why?
Danger music for obvious reasons.

If you could get front row tickets to any concert, now or in the past, which would it be?
Madonna, Blond Ambition Tour

What is your favorite professional sports team to watch?  Any specific team?
The World Champion Chicago White Sox

What is your favorite holiday?

What would people find surprising about you?
I was recruited more for swimming than I was for softball.

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