Blog  Jasher Cox ·

The 2016 Fall season has officially come to an end with the University of Illinois at Chicago (men) along with the University of Milwaukee-Wisconsin and Oakland University (women) leading the standings for the annual James J. McCafferty Trophy.  At the conclusion of each season, the annual award is given to the institution with the greatest number of performance points for both male and female.

Points are awarded based on the five (5) best finishes in men’s sports (must include two (2) priority sports and the three (3) next highest finishes) and the six (6) best finishes in women’s sports (must include three (3) priority sports and the three (3) next highest finishes).

In sports where regular-season scheduling is required, McCafferty points shall be awarded by combining an institution’s points earned in the Horizon League Championship tournament (representing 40 percent of the total weight), with the points earned by its regular-season finish (representing 60 percent of the total weight) for a composite total. Overall points shall be awarded based on the composite total.

In all other sports, points shall be awarded based on Championship finishes.

Full Standings

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