Blog  Kayla Tetschlag ·

Kayla Tetschlag, a junior forward at Green Bay, is a Women's Basketball correspondent for the HLN Blog.

As many other college athletes know, our time is filled with more than just practicing and playing games. In my team's case, of course we're in the gym almost everyday for practice and games and then we're pumping iron once a week. But that's definitely not the only time we spend together. What I mean is, our community is wonderful at coming out to watch our games, so we often return the favor.

In the fall, for example, we volunteer at a great event called Packer Pals. The night is focused on giving kids in the area Pals program an opportunity to shoot hoops with our basketball team and playing catch with a few Green Bay Packers. Taking a few hours out of our night is all worth it when we see their faces light up after interacting with them.

During winter break, with more time to spare, our team headed to the Freedom House, which is a ministry that houses homeless people in the Green Bay area. Some girls watched over children so the parents had some free time while other girls cooked dinner for the residents. We all came together to eat with them, and hearing their stories was eye-opening for us. It was amazing how thankful they were for us cooking a simple meal for them or giving them some time to themselves while we watched their kids. We plan to follow-up with the Freedom House by doing a toy or clothing drive at one of our games later in the season.

The most recent example was this week when we went to one of our neighborhood grocery stores. Here we were given an opportunity to help promote our Pink Zone game coming up on February 13th and Breast Cancer Awareness. The Ribbon of Hope group was also there to help collect donations and get the word out. We signed some autographs, talked with fans, and even bagged some groceries! It was fun to be a part of something special, and I think we brightened a few people's otherwise boring trip to the grocery store too.

Of course our team does many more events, but these are a few that I will remember long after I am gone. We appreciate our fan support so much, so if there is a way to give back, our team rises to the occasion.

Remember: it's better to give than to receive :)

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