Release  Horizon League ·

March 4, 2005

Loyola Head Coach Jim Whitesell on the win:"We talked at halftime about, `Look, let's keep this up-tempo, let's get someinside play, let's get better ball movement, player movement,' and I was reallyproud of the way our guys played in the second half and certainly in theovertime."

Whitesell on losing the lead late in regulation:"It seemed like in that last 30 seconds it kinda seemed like everything wentwrong for us. So we were like, `Hey, we just gotta play for five minutes andlet's go do it.'"

Loyola's Blake Schilb on his great offensive night:"I caught the hot hand. My teammates did a great job of getting me the ball andI knocked down shots."

Schilb on coming back in overtime:"This was a game of runs and coach tells us the players adjust to the game, so Ikept my emotions in check and then I made some big free throws."

UIC Head Coach Jimmy Collins on the game:"It was a tough game, a tough game for Cedrick (Banks) and Armond (Williams) togo out on, because they've meant so very much to the program. But hat's off toLoyola. We wish them well."

Collins on UIC not being able to pull it out in overtime:"We had momentum and then we stopped playing and we had no energy. Loyola, theyconjured up the energy."

UIC's Elliott Poole on the loss:"It's really hard to lose a game like this. It's hurtful because we thought weplayed hard. I thought we gave it all we had, but we had no answer to Schilband that was the difference in this game."

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