Release  Horizon League ·

Sept. 15, 2004

Student-athletes often do not have the time to be involved with activities other than athletics. Wright State tennis sophomore Audra Beckett has definitely found time to be involved with more than tennis. As a freshman, she was involved with the 2003-04 Honors Community Government as an East Wing Representative. She also was involved in Delta Zelta Sorority, Athletes in Action, WSU Law Clubs, Alpha Lambda Delta and National Society of Collegiate Scholars. Horizonleague.org was curious to know about her athletic experience, how she balanced her time and more about some of her activities.

Q:What role does athletics play in your collegiate experience?

Athletics plays a tremendous role in my college experience. Most people I meet are impressed that their fellow classmate plays on a varsity team at the university. I love wearing my school colors when playing against other teams. I get to have an experience many tennis players my age can only dream about.

Q:What kind of experiences have you had with athletics?

I have had good and bad experiences. It can be frustrating on the road, staying in a hotel all weekend only to have your opponents give you a hard time on the tennis courts. However, I love having teammates cheering for me and backing me up when I need it. This is an aspect of tennis that is lacking at the junior level. In the juniors you are on your own.

Q:Are you involved with the same activities this year?

Yes, I am involved in roughly the same activities as last year, and even a few more. I am currently running for President of Alpha Lambda Delta, an academic honor society.

Q:You were involved in so much last year, how did you balance your time?

I am used to being a busy person. I am happy the most when I have a million things to do. I love being exhausted at the end of the day, knowing I accomplished so much.

Q:Are you ever overwhelmed?

At times I do become overwhelmed, but I surround myself with terrific roommates and friends that help me regroup and relax.

Q:If any, what activities conflict?

Usually, the biggest conflict is when I have to miss classes for tennis matches. I know all athletes can relate to this. It can be a pain, but usually my professors are very understanding.

Q:What was your experience like as an East Wing Representative for 2003-04?

I absolutely loved it. I met some great people from the Honors Community, who I now call my fan club. All of my fellow government members from last year came to watch me play even when I was on the road. I loved representing other people in a government. The fact we received the government of the year award was a huge bonus.

Q:What does Athletes in Action do?

Athletes in Action is a nationwide, Christian organization for students participating in a sport at their university. We have weekly Bible Studies and socials. Athletes in Action is a safe haven for busy and stressed athletes.

Q:What is your favorite match from last year?

My favorite match last year had to be during our conference tournament. We were playing Youngstown State and the team was counting on me to win. I was in a battle. I really started to feel the pressure, but for some reason it didn't bother me that day. I pulled the match out in three sets. I was never so happy to have aching muscles and feet!

Q:Which do you prefer playing, singles or doubles?

I actually prefer singles. I am most comfortable playing singles because that's all I played in junior tennis. Sometimes, I think I make my doubles partners a nervous wreck with all of my mannerisms on the court.

Q:What are your goals for tennis this year?

I want to win! I had a rough season last year playing so high in the line-up as a freshman. I'm ready to be competitive and play some tough matches.

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