Athlete Blog  Jake Hibberd ·

What’s up Horizon League faithful!

After a rocky weekend, your Wright State Raiders still find themselves in the pole position, leading Milwaukee in the quest for the #1 seed and regular season championship. With that being said, the upcoming home doubleheaders with Cleveland State and Youngstown State will decide our fate in regards to the tournament.

This weekend, some adversity and bad luck combined to make a poor result for our team, as we lost two out of three at home to the Panthers of Milwaukee. As predicted, both teams came out strong with the bats all weekend, yet some big Panther innings in Friday’s game and Saturday’s nightcap ended up being the dagger.

The most unfortunate part of the weekend was in the last game of the series, a collision with center fielder Ryan Ashe and right fielder Tristan Moore led to both players suffering injuries. Ashe exited the game with a bruised sternum — hopefully able to return for next weekend — while Moore left with a broken thumb that required surgery and he’s now out for the season. Although this is a huge blow to our club, I am confident that the preparation and hard work displayed by my teammates before, during, and after practice will make it easier to fill in the hole left by the loss of Tristan.

This week marks the first time in months where we don’t have a midweek game, which I am okay with due the fact we will be able to play intra-squad with each other and work out some of the kinks that have haunted us in the past. I still believe that we are incredibly close to clicking on all cylinders as a team, and hopefully after a great week of practice and a few wins this weekend I will be able to report only good things in next week’s blog entry.

Finally, I wanted to highlight the event of Senior Day at the Nisch on Sunday, where it will be the last games our seniors get to play at home in a Raider uniform. With that being said, I’d like to give a shout out to our seniors, Sam, R.J., Quentin, Jordan, Jon, Aaron, Casey, Alex, Travis, Bryce, Gerald, and Greg. Thanks for everything fellas. Love you guys and let’s get a championship.

Go Raiders!

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