Release  Horizon League ·

Jan. 10, 2006

Why did you decide to attend UW-Green Bay?

I liked the coaches and the players, and the atmosphere on campus was something I was used to.

What do you like best about being a part of the Phoenix basketball team?

All the players get along.  Also the fan support is great, and the whole community is behind us.

What is your main goal for this season athletically? Academically? 

Athletically, I want to help the team get to the NCAA tournament.  Academically, I want to stay above a 3.5 GPA.

What do you feel is the biggest challenge you have faced thus far in your collegiate career?

[It would be] being mentally tough enough to fight through practices.  Also, trying to be a leader on the court event though I am a freshman.

What do you like to do in your off-season?

I enjoy being with family and friends plus playing the drums and guitar.

What is it that you look forward to most in the coming years at UW-Green Bay?

Helping get the team to consecutive NCAA tournaments.

What do you do, both individually and as a team, to prepare right before a meet?

As a team we go over offensive and defensive strategies.  Individually, I go over the opposing team's personnel and lie down to relax.

What is your best non-athletic talent?

Playing the drums.

The person I would most like to meet is....

Michael Jordan

If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would visit:


What do you like to do on a rainy day?

Listening/playing to music or watching a movie

People would be surprised to know that I: 

Enjoy playing acoustic guitar and singing

Who has had the biggest influence on your career?

My parents.

What is your "breakfast of champions?"

Cereal and juice.

Who would you cast to play you in a movie?

[My teammate] Ryan Tillema

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