Release  Horizon League ·

May 17, 2007

How old were you when you first played softball?
I first started playing softball when I was 12 years old, but I played baseball with the boys first and I was about four. It really when I was a year old and my parents and brothers started playing catch with me.

What is your most memorable moment at UW-Green Bay?
Hitting my first career home run against Wisconsin-Madison.

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
Being a high school guidance counselor and coaching softball.

What is your least favorite practice drill?
My least favorite drill in practice is form running. I love to practice!

What's one television show you can't miss each week?
Grey's Anatomy

What is your best non-athletic talent?
I like giving advice, because I want to be a guidance counselor when I'm older.

What is your favorite song?
The Last day of My Life, by Phil Vasser

Where in the world would you like to spend a week's vacation?
A sunny place where I could relax and play golf.

What is the one luxury item that you can't do without?
My cell phone. I'm on it all the time. People tell me that it is glued to my ear.

Was there any particular event in softball history that fueled your desire to excel in the sport?
When I was 10 years old my baseball team won the state tournament in Wisconsin. I loved the feeling of winning and I wanted to play more.

Could you describe the most embarrassing moment you have ever experienced?
It was actually this year when we played Butler and I tripped myself out of the batters box and fell flat on my face in front of everyone.

Who is the most impressive person(s) you have ever met?
My parents. They have showed me how to live my life to the fullest.

What is your favorite movie?
Big Daddy

What is your favorite food?
Perch from the Greenwood in Door County, Wisconsin.

If you could meet and have dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would you choose and why?
My grandpa who died when I was three years old. What I remember of his is awesome and I would just love to talk to him when I could actually understand things.

If you could have one super power, what would it be?
Being invisible

Who is your favorite actor/actress?
Adam Sandler

What is your dream job?
Being a college softball coach.

If you could get front row tickets to any sporting event, now or in the past, which would it be?
When the Red Sox won the World Series.

Do you have any advice for young athletes who aspire to compete at the college level?
Have fun with the sport. Try hard and practice like you love the game and it will be very rewarding in the end.

How do you prepare for a game?
I joke around with my team.

Who was your idol growing up?
Ken Griffey Jr.

What accomplishment, on or off the field, are you most proud of?
The fact that I became a Division I athlete.

Would you say that you are more of a 'glass half empty' type of person or a 'glass half full' type of person?
Glass is half full.

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