Athlete Blog  Lia Gordon ·

This is the first of a weekly blog entry that I, Lia Gordon, will be writing every week throughout the rest of the softball season. So, I hope you enjoy what I have prepared!

First off, I would like to congratulate Haley Thomas from Youngstown State for taking home Horizon League Batter of the Week, and Jenny Esparza from Butler for earning Horizon League Pitcher of the Week.
Haley went 11-for-20 in six games last week, scoring 7 runs and 3 RBIs. Jenny had an awesome performance, striking out 17 batters in a game against Detroit. Great Job girls!

This week was a crazy week for us here at Cleveland State. We played Sunday in Ohio, Tuesday in Michigan, Thursday in Indiana, and Saturday in Wisconsin. PHEW! Welcome to the life of a Division I softball player.

For all of us, it was our first trip to Green Bay. And I must say, I now have a new respect for the Phoenix for traveling east all the time. The bus ride seemed never-ending! We arrived late on Thursday night, showered and hit the hay. We had the next day off, and coincidentally we were staying at the Tundra Lodge which had a water park! Thanks Coach! :) That day we also had the opportunity to tour Lambeau Field and we got to run through the Packers’ tunnel. And of course, FOOD! A few of us tried the cheese curds, and I must say that I am a fan.

When we returned home to Cleveland, we had a new addition to our team... a chinchilla who we named Lambeau in honor of our great time in Wisconsin.

The weekend games went a little something like this: We won all three games against Green Bay, Butler swept Detroit, and Wright State followed suit taking three games from YSU. Meanwhile, UIC took 2-of-3 from Valparaiso.

Tuesday we traveled in our lovely vans to YSU. Now, my van — the fun van — was driven by Josie Henry and co-piloted by Natalie DeMatteis. The entertainment was provided by myself, boy-crazy Brandy Holmes, Horizon League Dancer of the Week Katelyn Ciminelli, and the headband twins — Brittany Bate and Andrea Nagy. We had the honor of riding in the only non-white school van. Our van was the only one to arrive at YSU on time, without getting lost, thanks to my built in GPS. Okay, okay, okay... so maybe I grew up there, but I still like to think it is about me.

This week Butler lost 2-of-3 to Wright State, we went 2-and-1 against YSU, and UIC took two from Green Bay.

Well, that wraps up this week and hopefully the rain holds off for everyone this weekend.


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