Release  Horizon League ·

March 14, 2006

Why did you decide to attend Wright State University?

My older brother went here, and he really liked the campus.  Plus, Wright State also gave me a scholarship.


What is the best aspect of being a part of the Raiders' Cross Country team?

I think the best part is training and traveling with my teammates.  We all get along really well and have a lot of fun.


What is your most memorable meet and/or moment at Wright State?

Running at Notre Dame stands out because the campus has so much tradition.


What are some of your goals for the 2006 cross country season?

Staying healthy is my main goal.  Other than that, I want to be consistent from race to race and lower my PR by at least a minute.


What do you do, both individually and as a team, to prepare right before a meet?

Just the normal routine: warm up, team huddle, a quick prayer, then wait for the gun.


We hear you have won a National Math Award.  Explain this, and how it helps you academically.

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and Texas Instruments gave away two $10,000 scholarships in the nation, and I was lucky enough to be chosen as one of the winners.  It helps me academically because I can really focus on my schoolwork without having to figure out ways to pay for college.


What do you enjoy most about being a part of Wright State's SAAC?

The free breakfasts.


What has been your favorite SAAC activity?

I'm looking forward to the Wright State Raider Night where all of the athletes get together and do various activities.


What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment throughout your collegiate career both athletically and in the classroom?

I'm still waiting for a big athletic accomplishment, but my biggest academic accomplishment would be winning the national math scholarship.


Has it been beneficial to have your family close by, originally being from Botkins, OH?

Yes. It makes it easier for my mom to do my laundry.  Plus, we can get together and visit each other without making any major plans.


Being also an excellent student, how hard has it been to juggle your academics along with practice and meets the last two years?

It hasn't been as difficult as I expected it to be.  I think running has actually helped because it makes me more disciplined in regards to time management. 

Who has had the biggest influence on your career?

My mom and dad have been the biggest influence.  They're always supportive when it comes to school and running.  Many other people have also influenced me over the years.  My high school coaches, Jeremy Pleiman, Fred Schmerge, and "Doc" Mielke were the ones who really motivated me to become a better runner.  Academically, my high school teacher Lynn Pleiman and my Wright State math professor, Dr. K.T. Arasu have had the most influence on me.   


What is your favorite Coach Schul quote?

"I could run faster than that when I was 60."


What do you enjoy doing most in the off-season?

I still enjoy running in the off-season, but most of all I like hanging out with my friends and girlfriend.


Where did you go and what did you do for Spring Break this year?

I'm going home for Spring Break, but my friends and I are going to Chicago for a weekend in April to tour the city and see Wrestlemania 22.


If you could change one thing about your sport, what would that be?

I wish more people would go to the meets.


If you could compete in the Olympics in any sport, what would it be?

The 800-meter run.  That's always been my favorite track event.


What TV show would you most like to appear on and why?

Seinfeld because it was the best show on television. 


What is your best non-athletic talent?

I can play the alto saxophone.


Where in the world would you like to travel to and why?

I've always wanted to visit Australia and go scuba diving.


If you could be any reality TV star, who would it be and why?

Nick Lachey because he was married to Jessica Simpson


Who is the most impressive person you have ever met?

Ed Gutman


What is your "breakfast of champions?"

A bowl of Fruity Pebbles and a cup of coffee.


Who would you cast to play you in a movie?

Justin Maurer


If you had to choose one song to be your theme song, what would it be and why?

 "Real American" because it's the best theme song ever.


If you could get front row tickets to any concert, now or in the past, which would it be?

Aerosmith or U2.


Which is your favorite professional sports team to watch? 

The Cleveland Browns


What is your favorite holiday?



What would people find surprising about you?

Nothing. I don't really have any surprises.

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