Release  Horizon League ·

Oct. 14, 2006

Why did you decide to attend Wright State University?
I was recruited and after visiting.  I liked the campus and I really liked the head coach, at that time, Matt Liddy.

What is the best aspect of being a part of WSU's swimming and diving team?
I love the bonds that I have established with my teammates.  And I have really become a stronger person by being a part of this team.

What is your most memorable meet and/or moment as a WSU Raider?
Definitely freshman year after winning the League Championship (Both men and women won that year).  We were on the bus on the way back to the hotel and the bus driver blared "We are the Champions" for us.  It was AWESOME!

What are some of your goals for this season?
I just want to end my swimming career on a great note.  I would love to finish the season with another League Championship in hand.

What do you do, both individually and as a team, to prepare right before you get in the pool?
Stretch and simply be mentally prepared for anything.

What was it like spending the summer studying abroad in Europe?
I went on an Ambassador Marketing study trip through Wright State. We were in Eastern Germany for two weeks.  I spent another month on my own traveling through Eastern Europe (Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Slovakia) then I headed up to Holland to visit a family I knew.  I ended up cutting my trip short after losing my second digital camera, and I simply missed the great United States.  I really learned to appreciate our wonderful country after this trip.  I learned about myself as well.  I would do it again, but next time I think I would go with a friend so I don't get lonely.

What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment throughout your collegiate career both athletically and in the classroom?
The biggest accomplishment is that I have gotten to know myself so much more.  In high school I think you are often told what to do, but in college you make the decisions on your own. I have always been a giver, but I have now grasped the importance of taking and doing things for myself.

Also being an excellent student, how hard has it been to juggle your academics along with practices and meets the last few years?
It has not been an easy task, but I learned in high school how to "roll with the punches" as they say.  You just take things one step at a time. There have definitely been times when I am overwhelmed and wanted to give up, but you just have to push through them and know that there
are those you can rely on for support whether that is your teammates, coaches, or God. I also keep in mind that others are in the same boat as me and that helps.

What are your future career plans?
I can't believe how soon I graduate.  I plan to get an internship this summer after I graduate and then move out west to find a wonderful job and home. I would also like to look into the Peace Corps.

What is your favorite Coach Brinn quote?
"Time to get tough."

What do you enjoy most in the off-season?
The lack of the itchy, dry, chlorine-smelling skin.

If you could change one thing about your sport, what would that be?
The monotony...swimming circles isn't the most exciting thing to do for two hours.

What is your favorite movie?

Liar Liar is up at the top for comedies, and Love Actually wins for romance/comedy.

If you could compete in the Olympics in any sport, what would it be?
I would want to compete in some obscure event that people may not even know is a part of the Olympics just because I like to be different.

What TV show would you most like to appear on and why?
I would love to compete in the Amazing Race because I love to travel, I am competitive and I study languages.  I think my partner and I could win.

What is your best non-athletic talent?
I have quite a grasp on and a passion for acquiring different languages.

Where in the world would you like to travel to and why?
I would love to see Japan and immerse myself in its culture because it has always fascinated me.

Describe your least favorite training drill.
Hmmmm...I couldn't say.

What is it like having such a big family? (Four brothers and three sisters)

I love it. It is never boring in my house and it has made me who I am. You definitely learn to share and be compatible with different personalities.

If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
I would love to be able to fly, then I could save on travel cost and escape situations in a hurry.

Who is the most impressive person you have ever met?
My ex-boyfriend's dad is very intelligent and caring.  He is the most impressive and interesting person I have met.

What is your "breakfast of champions?"
Malt-o-meal is the BOMB!

Who would you cast to play you in a movie?
Julia Roberts...she has always been one of my favorites.

If you had to choose one song to be your theme song, what would it be and why?
"We Danced Anyway" by Deana Carter.  It makes me think of letting go of all the trivial things in life and enjoying life for what it is.

If you could get front row tickets to any concert, now or in the past, which would it be?
That is too hard because I love so much music.

What is your favorite professional sports team to watch?  Any specific team?
I don't really watch sports at all.

What is your favorite holiday?

What would people find surprising about you?
I used to be very shy back in the day.

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