Release  Horizon League ·

April 19, 2006

Why did you decide to attend Youngstown State?

I decided to go to YSU because it was closer to home, and I had the opportunity to play Division I baseball here.


What is the best aspect of being a part of YSU's baseball team?

The best aspect of being a part of YSU's baseball team is having the opportunity to compete at the Division I level, being able to play baseball with your friends and creating memories that will last a lifetime.


What is your most memorable moment as a Penguin?

The most memorable game/moment was winning the conference tournament in 2004 and going on to play a regional at Texas.


What are your goals for the season?

To win another conference championship and to enjoy playing my last season as a Pengiun.


What do you do as an individual and as a team to prepare for a game?

The team and I try to focus on the game at hand, stretch out as best you can and learn as much about the pitcher/ team we are going to face that day.


What has been your biggest achievement, both academically and athletically?

The biggest accomplishment thus far in my collegiate is simply being able to maintain a 3.7 GPA and competing at the college level.


Has it been difficult balancing your academics with your baseball schedule?

It has been very difficult to juggle school and baseball. A lot of people don't realize how hard it really is missing classes during season and still maintaining your grades.


What do you plan to do upon graduation?

I am an Integrated Social Studies major here at YSU and that is usually a five year program, so I still have a year of school left. However, if I were to graduate this year I would probably focus on sending out my resume and getting a job.


Who has been your biggest influence?

My dad has probably been my biggest influence. He was a history teacher for thirty years so being a history buff kind of runs in the family.


Being from Tallmadge, Ohio, has it been beneficial having your family close by?

It has been very beneficial living closer to home. My friends and family have always tried to find time to support me throughout my baseball career at YSU. It also never hurts having a mom close by to aid me in some of my laundry duties.


What do you like to do during the off-season?

I always try to stay active during the off-season. I like to go biking, rock climbing, golf, play ping pong, hang out with friends and to just enjoy the extra free time.


If you could change one thing about your sport, what would it be?

If I could change one thing about the game of baseball it would be to some how make it easier to hit a baseball.


If you could compete in any sport in the Olympics, which would it be?

If I could compete in any sport in the Olympics it would have to be baseball. I think it would be awesome to have the opportunity to play teams from other countries.


If you be on any television show, which would it be and why?

I would really like to appear on The Price is Right. I have been watching that show since I was a kid, and I think it would be really fun to be a contestant and play Plinko.


What is your best non-athletic talent?

I really don't have any non-athletic talent that I know of.  Playing baseball doesn't leave you much time to discover any of your hidden talents.


What is the best and worst thing about living in Tallmadge?

The best thing about living in Tallmadge would have to be the fact that you know everyone and that the community is very close especially if you have played a sport. The worst thing about living in Tallmadge is that since it's a smaller city word travels pretty fast and everyone knows pretty much everything about you.


If you could visit any one place in the world, where would you go?

I would love to travel to Australia. I think it's a really cool place and it has a ton cool places that you could go visit. I also love their accent down there.


If you could be on any reality show, which would it be?

I would probably like to be a reality star on Laguna Beach. The lifestyle in California is a lot different than Ohio's and I think it would be interesting to see what it would be like to live there.


Who is the most impressive person you have ever met?

The most impressive person I have ever met would have to be Mike Shapiro from the Cleveland Indians organization. I learned a lot about Major League Baseball and how the owners pick prospective professional baseball players.


What is your "breakfast of champions?"

My breakfast of champions is a bowl of cereal, eggs, fruit and yogurt. A good breakfast is the most important meal of the day for me.


Who would you cast to play you in a movie about your life?

I would have Brad Pitt play me in a movie because he is a great actor, and it doesn't hurt to have people think that you resemble a guy like him.


What is your theme song?

My theme song would be "It's a great day to be alive" by Travis Tritt. You can never take a day for granted and you have to enjoy each day that God gives you on this earth.


If you could have front row tickets to any concert, who would it be?

If I could get front row tickets to any concert is would have to be to an Incubus concert. I have always enjoyed there music and they put on a great concert.


What is your favorite sports team to watch?

My favorite sports team to watch is the Cleveland Indians. They have a great team this year and are going to win it all this year. Tribe in '06!!


What is your favorite holiday?

My favorite holiday has to be Christmas. It always great seeing family around the holidays, and having a chance to relax and not worry about school.


What would people be surprised to know about you?

The one thing people would be surprised to know about me is that I'm a huge Frank Sinatra fan. I can't help myself I just love his music and I don't care if my teammates make fun of me for it.

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