Blog  Damon Lewis ·

For so long, those of us working on the Horizon League Network have been encouraging our viewers to speak up and sound off. "It's all about you," we say...but yet, we haven't been providing a true opportunity for you to speak your piece...other than feedback forms and comment boxes (which tend to only get popular when we've done something wrong).

Those days are over.

With this shiny new website in front of you (it's a lot to take in, I know), we're ready to offer you the opportunity to tell us who you want to see given some "dap" for their accomplishments. It's a little something we're calling, The People's Choice.

Debuting on September 24th, this video segment will air every Thursday on HLN at 3pm ET / 2pm CT. Of course, it will also live forever (well...for a year, at the very least) in our Video Library if for some reason you aren't able visit the Horizon League Network when we reveal the winner each week. But really, what could you possibly be doing that's more important?

Here's how it works: Every Monday morning we'll place a poll on the front page of HLN (right side of the screen, "over" the HLN Blog) with a select list of athletes who have been chosen by the Horizon League as their respective sport's "Athlete of the Week." And, you guessed it, we want you to tell us who's truly had the best week, among all of the Athletes of the Week. That's right...we're crossing boundaries, and maybe creating a little chaos. Suddenly 15 kills in a volleyball match need to be measured against 3 assists in a soccer match! What about a record-breaking time on the track vs. a 20-point effort on the basketball court? Who's the best? You tell us.

Now...we realize polls aren't for everyone, so you'll have the option to "Vote," say "No Thanks," or you can also choose to "Never" see polls again. As soon as you click one of these options, the poll will disappear, and the HLN Blog will resume its rightful place on the right side of your screen.

The polls will close every Tuesday afternoon at 4pm ET / 3pm CT...so you only have about 30-hours to make your decision. Once we know who you've chosen as the supreme athlete for a given week...we'll setup a phone interview with that person (or maybe their coach) so you can learn a little more about them and the tremendous week they had on the field, court, etc. That's the segment you'll see each Thursday...a 1-on-1 interview all about your chosen one!

There's a lot of room for school spirit to shine through here, and that's what we want to see. Maybe you don't follow your school's soccer or softball team very closely...but you LOVE your school, right? Give ‘em a vote, and maybe you'll learn something new about one of your school's finest athletes!

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